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Mariah limped harshly to her room the following day, puffy eyed, in immense pain and just downright sad. She had to say goodbye to Janet earlier and it was filled with tears, kisses and hugs. Honestly, it was harder than she'd expected it, and she very badly wished she hadn't wasted six months being mad at her.

She rummaged through her purse before finding the hotel keycard for her and Cierra's room. She swiped it and the door unlocked, slowly she entered.

Cierra walked out of the bathroom as Mariah limped past her. The dancer fell into the bed and squeezed her legs together tightly feeling pain shoot through her body. Her eyes closed as she laid her head on the pillow.

Her best friend laughed. "Bitch! What happened to you?"

Mariah groaned before speaking, her voice hoarse from screaming so much last night. "Janet."

"Well damn sis, you okay?"

"Can you get me some tea?" Her voice was at a harsh whisper.

"Yeah. I'll get you some." She still was laughing. "Mariah she fucked you up girl. What type of love making did y'all have?"

"Girl none. That was straight fucking." Mariah's eyes had opened as she clarified.

"Oh bitch!" Her best friend was full on hackling now. "You're a true clown. I'll be back. Let me go find you some hot tea. I'll take my keycard so you won't have to limp to the door."

In response, the dancer shot her the finger. "Fuck you Cie."

"Oh please bitch, you know you love me." She left the room and Mariah allowed her eyes to close attempting to get some type of sleep before checkout in a few hours.

Her phone began vibrating and she knew from the vibration pattern that it was Janet. She picked her phone up and read the message.

Janet 🥰
Hey baby, did you make it to your hotel room? Sorry I couldn't walk you, I was running behind.

Mariah smiled softly at the text before replying.

Mariah 💗
Yeah baby, I made it. It's okay, I understand.

Janet 🥰
Got some tea for your voice?

Mariah 💗
Cierra's going get some for me now. I can't feel my thighs though. Not to mention my kitties swollen. ☹️

Janet 🥰
Well yeah... I knew that would happen, lol. 😏 Sorry that your "kitties" swollen. Who says "kitties" by the way? 😕

Mariah 💗
I do. I say kitty/kitties and well I think I should of had a say in my body being numb. I am a dancer ya know?

Janet 🥰
You'll be better in a few days. I'm going to miss you so much. 😩

Mariah 💗
Nice subject change, but I'm going to miss you too. Our second to last stop is Vegas but that's months from now. ☹️

Janet 🥰
Yeah that's what you were telling me last night. We'll make it work. Even if it's means us flying to see each other.

The hotel door was being unlocked and the dancer decided to end the conversation because she knew Cierra would be wanting to talk.

Mariah 💗
Of course we will make it work. Cierra's back, I'll talk to you later, right? 🥺

Janet 🥰
Yes. My show starts at 7. If I can't text you before, I'll call or text you afterwards. ❤️

Mariah 💗
Kk. I'll be on the bus but I'll have my head phones in. Have a great show! I know how hard you've worked for this and I'm super proud of you baby. <3

Seated on the tour bus, Janet sat on her tour bus grinning from ear to ear as she texted back.

Janet 🥰
Aw thank you baby. Have a good off day, use Icy Hot's for the legs ;)

When the singer placed her phone down, Gil spoke to her. "I don't say this often, and I mind my business unless told otherwise but I really like Mariah for you. She's a sweet girl and she obviously makes you happy. Keep her around Dunk."

She smiled at her best friend. "I plan to."

"I hope so, cause I've counted seven hickeys on your neck thus far."

"Gil!" Her eye's widened as she picked her phone up and went to her camera. Sure enough, hickeys she hadn't noticed sat on her neck.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of. You two knocked boots. You both are grown and entitled to do so but I do want details. So spill."

"There's nothing to spill."

"There's everything to spill. If you won't just say it, I'll ask. How many rounds?"

A blush crept up on the woman's cheeks as she replied. "Either eight or nine."

"Eight or nine? Whew. I need to get like you child. How are you still walking?"

"We soaked before we left. My legs still hurt but I got the good end of the stick. Mariah's limp is pretty bad. Her voice is gone. Not to mention she blacked out last night."

The man's jaw dropped. "You fucked her until she blacked out?"

"Hey, it's not really my fault. I missed her. I kind of checked out though. Strawberry was in control."

"That poor baby, Strawberry had your exes limping and crazy over you back in the day. I'll never forget James stood outside of your window with the stereo over his head trying to get you back." Gil acted like he had a whip.

Janet chuckled. "I did not have him whipped."

"Yes you did, but I think this time it's the other way around. Seems like Mariah has you whipped."

"She does not—." She stopped and thought about it before continuing. "Yeah... maybe she does actually."

"You turned the tour bus around for her. Oh wait til Aisha hears about that. She's gonna be jumping from wall to wall, ya know her and I have been secretly rooting for the two of you to get it together. I'm so excited,"

"Why are you this excited?"

"Because, I've never seen you this happy before. Like genuinely happy. She seems quiet but after a while, you figure out Mariah doesn't play around about business or you. You two both went so hard for each other six months ago, and I think it was hard on everybody seeing the happiness leave your smile these few months. So I get excited when you get that smile back. Especially since it's with her. Aisha and I both agreed with that much, plus... I'm putting money on a wedding soon."

The singer smiled at her friend. "You're the cutest when you get all gushy on me."

"Aw see bitch, you always gotta go too far. Ain't nobody being gushy."

"Alright. Alright." She laughed as she retracted her statement. "You weren't being gushy. I'm sorry but thank you. I'm glad you two feel like that, because we really have this connection I can't explain."

"Trust me, everyone sees it. That's good Booty, I'm happy for you. Genuinely and honestly happy."

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