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It's short... but I'm grooving. Stick with me lmao. I'm finna pick it back up.

"It's the flu." The doctor announced suddenly after she'd examined Janet from head to toe. There was no symptoms that pointed to any other illness except the flu.

Mariah made a face. "I told you!"

The singer rolled her eyes at both of the women in her room as she sniffled. "Okay Doc, so what does that mean?"

"That means you confine yourself in this room. I'm going to push fluids into your IV, it'll have you feeling better in a few days. Do two packs a day until you run out. When you run out don't get to moving too soon. That doesn't mean go back to practicing. You'll still be contagious. Stay in the room. Drink water. Eat crackers and soup. Ok?"

"Got it."

The doctor knew better than to believe her patient and turned to Mariah. "Okay?"

Mariah nodded. "I got you Doc. I'll make sure she doesn't break the rules."

"Thank you."

"Doctor Seals, I won't break the rules. Promise."

"I'll believe it when I see it." Doctor Seals sent Janet a look as she put her glasses on and began writing on her pad before handing each of the ladies papers. "Mariah I'm going to give you some antibiotics since you're staying in with Janet. I'd also recommend you taking those if you're going to stay closer than six feet to her. Janet I'm giving you antiviral medicines. It'll make you feel a bit woozy for the first day but that's just because you'll take them before you do your IV treatment. The IV will hydrate you and you'll feel better. Hand the papers back."

They both have the lady back the medium sized papers. She informed them that she would send the medicine prescription up to the nearest pharmacy and bring them back as soon as she could. In the meantime, she set the IV up and gave Janet some of the antibiotics she carried with her. When she was getting ready to leave, Janet was on the couch looking and feeling miserable and Mariah was walking the nice woman to the door.

"Thank you, Doctor Seals." The younger woman thanked her politely.

The doctor smiled a small smile back. "Anytime. It's my job but with Janet, I rarely ever get calls. I'll be back as quick as I can. Make sure she sits until that IV bag is completely empty. She's dehydrated and her medicine will really act up if she doesn't finish the entire bag. Make sure she doesn't sleep all day if you can. Make her go out and get some fresh air from time to time as well please."

"Yes ma'am. Will do." The lady nodded as she left the hotel room, thankful to know that Janet had someone with her while she was sick unlike the other times. Mariah locked the door after she did leave and turned back to face her girlfriend with a smile. "Soooo, what do you wanna do?"

Janet rolled her eyes. "I can't do much hooked up to this thing and I'm tired."

"Yeah but Doctor Seals said to make sure you don't sleep all day."

"Doctor Seals..." The woman trailed as she began coughing. When she finished she tried to continue her statement. "Can kiss my—."

"Okayyy. How about hot tea? Hot tea and cuddles? We can watch a movie."

"Even Detroit?"

Mariah almost told her girlfriend to just go to sleep at that suggestion. Janet knew how much she hated that movie with a passion. She was too woke for that movie and after watching it once in high school during criminal justice class, she had found it harder and harder to even be around the majority race after that. Still she remembered that this was not about her and nodded. "Yes. We can watch Detroit."

"Okay. Then deal."

"Still want the tea?"

The singer nodded. "Yes please."

Walking into the kitchen, Mariah found a kettle and set it on the stove after she put water in it. Opening the cabinets, in one she found tea bags and pulled one out. Going to the fridge, she knew her girlfriend had lemons. Her girlfriend loved lemons. When she found some, she placed it next to the tea bag so she wouldn't forget to put it in her cup later.

Turning back to the couch, she caught her girlfriend stripping but it didn't seem like she was doing it for pleasurable reasons. "You hot babe?"

Janet nodded slowly. "I'm freezing at the same time. I just need this off."

Mariah walked over and touched her girlfriend's forehead. She was sweating and she helped her take her shirt and shorts off. "You're cold sweating baby." She went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel before running it under cold water. Squeezing it out, she walked back into the living room and went to sit on the couch before Janet stood up slowly. It confused the younger woman. "What's wrong?"

"I don't want the tea anymore. Can we just cuddle?"

"Yes baby. Let me cut the stove off real quick." She went over and turned the stove off before going lay on the couch. Janet crawled between her legs and laid her head on her chest. She wrapped her arms around the singer before kissing her forehead.

"Sorry if I'm doing too much. I get whiny when I feel bad."

"You don't have to apologize. I'm far from annoyed. It's nice to cater to you for once. You're usually catering to me. No complaints are coming from me here." Mariah sat the damp towel on her girlfriends forehead.

"Thanks love." She began trying to find a movie for them to watch. As she scrolled, Mariah noticed she didn't even stop on Detroit like the plan was but instead continued searching. "I know you hate that movie Mariah. I didn't forget."

The dancer smiled softly before covering them with a light throw over. "Good..."

"You weren't gonna say anything either."

"Because you are sick. It's your day."

"You say that like it's my birthday or something..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2021 ⏰

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