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Lance had a hard time getting out of bed this week. Even after being in the altaien pod for about 4 hours!.
He just wanted to take a long nap after that thought it was kinda hard for him, the gunshot wound didn't really heal all the way. It was very deep going right throw him, staying awake was a task in itself with all the pian that burned him causing him to fall in and out of it, thinking about it just brought him back to that moment. When he looked down at his arm all he saw was white bandages covering it all up. He tried not to pay too much attention to it, all he would remember from it is how he fail the team. How he let down the Blade's. But the the one he really disposition was Keith...
Lance continued to the lounging room where some of his friends were hanging out at.
He went into the kitchen to see that Hunk and Allura were eating some nice looking food.

"Hey what's up?"

"OH! Lance your awake that's awesome news dude!"
Hunk went to get him a plate and some goo for the morning, or should I say middle of some time. We are in sapce you can forget what time it is and the day, it could be the weekend for all I know?!

"Weelll... Did you all miss your sharp shorter? Cause now you don't have to! I'm back ba-"
A shoke wave sent Lance kneeling to the ground from the sudden movement in his arm.

"He! Are you guys ready for... LANCE!"
Pidge ran to him, helping him up from the ground.
"Woh! Are you okay? Is it still bad?"
All of them looked at him like he was an small defensless puppy.

"Yeah I'm fine! I'm feeling great!
I don't want them to look at me like that."
"Come on! Let's get back to work we need to save Keith right come on let's do this we can't give up on him!"

They looked around, some with sad looks on them.
"We just need some time to re-group okay Lance, and come let's think about you your still in pain aren't you?"

"No I'm fine! I just need to..."
It just hit him that he couldn't hold a gun. With the way he is now, it would take everything he had just to pull the guns trigger. They don't want him to get hurt, well anymore then he is now.
Shiro came to him looking him in the face.
"Lance every thing is going to be fine, we will come up woth a way to get him back... But we are going to need all of our strength, so you need time to heal."

He knew what Shiro was saying was also important but to just let them take him, they retreated just because of Lance being weak. Not being able to save his friend from them.
Lance looked down at the food on the table even taking a bite from what Hunk made, he was lost in his thoughts. Just wondering what could he have done. Wishing there would be difrent outcome from all of this.
Whilst he was gone in the land of *+*IMAGINATION+*+, everyone else was doing their best to distract themselves with work or anything in the castle.

Lance went to the contol deck where Coran was putting couardenits to a far planet?
"Coran what'tch ya doing?" I asked.
"...cause no one told me that we would be visiting a planet so soon after a failed mission..." Lance looked down at the floor as he heared those words leave his mouth.

"OH! Lance your up! This is fantastic new! Now we are all ready!"

"Ready!? Coran what are we doing?!"
Looking up with a confused expression.

"Well I thought it would be a great time to go to a planet where we could have voltron, to tell them that the voltron coalition is here to protect this universe! But also to get you guys out of this castle for some time. You need to remember that you are a team, one little mission can't be your downfall."

"Are you sure about this? Maybe it's better if we just forg-" !!!

The screen was blinking bright red with a de-stressed call being transmitted to us.
We are being sent a destrees from a planet. It was hard to understand what was wrong there message was a little distorted.

"Vo.. LT.. Ron We n..EeD YOur HE...Lp.
We a.. RE UndER... A...a" the call was disconnected,leaving them horrified and speechless.

Everyone came into the control deck to hear the message wondering who or what is attacking their planet.

"We have to go see who is doing this!" Lance ran to the armory to get sutied up and ready to pilot Red.

"Coran send us the planets location keep the castle far from the danger but stay on our lions movements okay! Now paladins suit up!" Shiro ordered.

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