Doctors Appointments and Lies

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Rachel felt her body tighten and cringe at that stupid noise. That stupid alarm that woke her up every morning. Don't get me wrong, she was a morning person, but since she'd be in the mindset of being pregnant she hated them with a passion. "No.." she mumbled taking her hand and snoozing her alarm on her phone. She took her pillow and slammed it over her head as she was procrastinating. After a minute or two passed and sleep was clearly not happening again and with a groan here and there she finally left her bed letting the cold air of the room hit her body. She walked over to her closet and began looking at the loads of clothes she had hanging. Everything from skirts, to shirts, to dresses and even jeans. She looked around and in true Rachel Berry fashion picked out a nice dress. A simple blue dress with white stripes and some white flats. She undressed from her pajamas and changed into her dress and shoes and began doing her other morning things, brushing teeth, straightening her hair. She was almost ready for school as she walked towards her closet again catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror hanging on her door. Rachel was saddened as she stood in front of that mirror and turned sideways and began rubbing her hands over her little bump. Normally you wouldn't show so early, but Rachel was already tiny and the extra weight gain didn't help her any or make it any less noticeable. She pushed her dress down and got a view of the little round bump formed right on her stomach and she had this moment of pure happiness as she imagined what life would be like with this baby, but it came crashing down as she was pulled out of her day dream by that stupid alarm once again. "I'll see you later.." she whispered and grabbed her phone off the charger shutting that stupid alarm off once again and walking down the stairs and heading to the kitchen to grab a banana and a bottle of water. She grabbed her back pack and headed out the door and towards her car and made her way to school. She couldn't help but think of how she lied to Kurt about the appointment. She felt bad about how Kurt was trying to be a supportive best friend in this, but she just wanted to be alone right now and process this. Deep in her thoughts she didn't even realize she pulled into the senior parking lot at school in her normal spot next to Kurt and Mercedes. She parked her car and sat there for a few minutes just thinking of every possible way this day could go to shit. She had this constant idea that Finn would find out and Quinn would find out.. the whole damn school would find out and make her life a living hell. She was torn away from her thoughts when she was interrupted by a tapping on her window and it was Mercedes. He kept doing this hand motion to roll down her window but instead Rachel just turned her car off and quickly finished off her banana and grabbed her bottle of water, backpack, phone and keys. She opened the door and got out to be greeted by a smiley Mercedes. "Hey Drama Mama." Mercedes said giggling and locking her car. She proceeded walking towards the school but Rachel stopped dead in her tracks "what did you just say?". Rachel felt her heart pounding out of her chest, she felt like she was going to faint. This was it! This was the moment everyone was going to find out or already knew. Rachel was brought out of her thoughts again by Mercedes snapping her fingers in front of her face. "I called you drama mama like I every single day?" She said giving Rachel a questionable look. Rachel felt her body unlock and took a baby step towards Mercedes. "What has been going on with you lately?" She said still holding that same confused look on her face. Rachel then took another couple steps and caught up with Mercedes. "Sorry.. nothing.. just my dads being out of town and being alone and I'm not sleeping well." She said applauding herself for coming up with such a fake excuse. "Nice job berry." She thought to herself. "You need to be more careful or everyone is going to find out" she added to her own collective thoughts. She began walking in the school with Mercedes and just basically letting Mercedes vent about a cute boy in her math class, but she was to afraid to talk to him. Only if Mercedes knew how much she could relate to having a cute boy in your class your afraid to talk to, but you slept with him and now you are pregnant with his baby and you know he'll hate you when he finds out and... she had to stop herself from thinking anymore or she might walk right back out those doors and on her way home. Rachel was finally called out of this conversation by her first bell of the day signaling they five minutes to get to class. "Yeah, that crazy, we'll talk later okay!" She said giving her soft smile as she really had no idea what the conversation was about anymore. Luckily Rachel's class was right next to her and her first class was one she didn't think anything of but started dreading immediately her math class. Not that she hated history, but she had Finn in her history class which made for a no good situation. She walked into the class quickly making her way to her seat without making eye contact with Finn which would be hard considering he was to busy staring at Quinn and her developed parts. "Good Christian boy my ass." She said to herself. She pulled her phone out and quickly texted Kurt "I forgot Finn was in my history class.." she sent the text and looked around to make sure no one was staring at her. Kurt texted back seconds later "Well he's also in glee club and Spanish." She mentally scolded herself forgetting that she had not one but three classes with him. How the hell could she not realize she has three classes with her future baby daddy??? She felt that cramping feeling again that one that she couldn't decide if it was a good or bad but it turned out it was a bad one. She quickly grabbed her backpack and phone and ran to the nearest bathroom and pushing open the door and barley making it to the trash can before spilling the contents or her Mac and cheese for dinner last and her banana this morning. It was the baby's fault.. she couldn't help it. She continued to spill the contents of her stomach until finally she hit a stopping point she never thought she'd see. She took a few minutes to catch her breath. She heard the late bell go off and she felt a sigh of relief as she took her stuff and didn't have to go back to class. She wondered if anyone noticed she ran out of the room or if anyone even cared? She then decided that this just wasn't her day and she wanted to go home. She just had to text Kurt, since they were besties and lunch buddies. "I think the babies making me sick.. I'm gonna go home.. tell Mr. Schue I didn't feel well please!" She sent the text and washed her mouth with water and then left the girls bathroom and made her way back towards the front doors and out to her car. It was already a little after eight-thirty so she decided she should go home and rest till her doctors appointment. She made her way out the doors and towards her car and got in taking a deep breath. She set her backpack in the backseat thinking how a baby car seat would soon take its place. She felt that sadness rise up in her chest again. She shook the thought out of her head and began driving home. She didn't live to far from the school, about fifteenish minutes so a short drive home later and into the house Rachel crashed on the couch. She was exhausted and her head his the pillow and in seconds she was passed out.
Rachel woke up and she was in a hospital room, a really white and bright one. "Where.. where am i?" She looked around and to her left an IV hooked to her and her right a lot of machines beeping and down she saw a huge massive pregnancy bump. She felt her heart racing "what? How? No this can't be happening?" She had a panicked look on her face and what brought her out of her panic was seeing Finn and Quinn standing near her holding hands. "It will be over soon Rachel. Then Quinn and I can have our baby." Rachel shook her head over and over "you can't have my baby.. you can't have her." Quinn had an evil smile fall to her lips. "Stupid troll.. its a him and you'd know that if you loved him like we do!" She barked viscously towards Rachel and Rachel felt tears at her eyes. All of the sudden a doctor appeared "it's time to push! It's time for your son to be born." And she felt all the panic again "no I can't yet! It's not time! They can't have my baby! Please don't take him." She looked over and Quinn and Finn were holding knifes "If you won't push our son out then we will take him out." They began leaning over her and she screamed, tears flowing down her cheeks and all of the sudden Rachel woke up holding her stomach. Heavy breathing all that consumed her and her tears covered the couch pillows and she began crying realizing it was only a dream and she held her stomach tighter. "I'm so sorry.." she whispered to her stomach "I'm so sorry.. I would never let them hurt you.." she said immediately realizing how crazy she sounded talking to a baby she didn't know was real yet. I mean she knew it was real, but didn't want to believe it. After she collected her thoughts and looked over at her phone and saw a couple texts from Tina, Kurt, Mercedes, and even ones from her dad but what caught her attention is the fact that it was one- forty five and she had an appointment at two-thirty. She sat up quickly and began rubbing her eyes as she was trying to get herself together. She grabbed her phone and keys and headed back towards her car and making her way to her doctors appointment.

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