Six months where are you??

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Rachel was entering her six month of pregnancy, well tomorrow anyway, but how the hell was she supposed to survive three more months of this? She felt like she was at max capacity in her belly and to be fair she was carrying a mini Frankenstein. Life was all the same though the constant bullying from Quinn was still happening, despite her being pregnant, and everyone knew she was pregnant with her son, and finally they had to perform at sectionals tomorrow. She was freaking out as this is the first time she would be performing pregnant and the competitions wouldn't stop after this one. If they win sectionals, they will have a month till regionals, and then a month after that till nationals. Which meant she would be nearing her due date when they go to nationals... which means traveling and which means she doesn't know if she would be able to go and that means. "Stop." She said to herself. She needed to calm herself down. She didn't need to stress about anything else she couldn't control.

The school day had finally ended and she made her way towards the glee room. She waddled down the hallway as per usual and took her sweet time because carrying around these extra pounds was no joke. She had arrived to the choir room to of course be greeted by everyone already sitting in there seats. "Late as usual.." Quinn muttered. She was leaned over in her chair and picking at her nails and Rachel rolled her eyes. "Sorry guys.. carrying around this big guy is no joke.." she chuckled and the class chuckled with her. "Well when you are carrying a toddler in your stomach it's okay." Mercedes chimed in. Finn walked over to Rachel and took her backpack from her and her hand and walked over to there seats in the front of row. Stairs were not her thing either. She walked over to her seat and sat down and thanked god that she could finally sit down and get the pressure off her feet. Mr. Schue stood at the front of the room with his expo marker in hand ready to write. "So I officially have the theme for sectionals this year and can get a drumroll please." He said and the class started to pat on their thighs making a drumming sound. He began writing the words across the board. "The theme is home." He said and looked to the class for a reaction. "That's actually a really good theme. I like it." Blaine said and Kurt nodded his head. "I think home is a good theme and tons of songs for it." Kurt looked down at Mercedes. "So we need to start thinking of songs for it." Mercedes looked back at Mr. Schue and he looked at the class. "We need to do that today and start rehearsing. I know we are getting a late start and this whole year has been a little shaky for us, but we are going to rehearse all day and night long." Rachel already felt her body beginning to get tired. Practicing all night? She could do it, right? "But we also need to decide on whose performing as well." Rachel looked at everyone behind her and they were all looking back at her.

"Okay well why don't we start looking for songs about home and then decide that? I think I already have a song." She said smiling and grabbed her phone looking for the song. "Funny, the girl that's doesn't have a home is the one that loves the theme." Quinn remarked back to Rachel. She couldn't lie. That comment stung. I mean she had home, her home was Finn and her son and that was more than enough. The whole room went quiet for a second. Rachel felt tears in her eyes, but just kept her mouth shut. "Okay bitter bitch." Mercedes remarked back and that caught the attention of everyone real quick. Rachel turned and looked at Mercedes and mouthed "thank you." She said and discreetly wiped her tears. Quinn rolled her eyes. "Well for someone who is a home wrecker.. it's just funny.." she started once again. "Quinn can you just shut up?" Finn piped up. "Rachel can't be a home wrecker if there was never a home to wreck. You were never welcomed in my home and literally no one here even enjoys you or your presence, so please kindly shut up and help us win sectionals or leave and go ruin somebody else's day." He turned himself back around and reached over and squeezed Rachel's hand.

He squeezed it once again to reassure her. "Are you just gonna let him talk like to me?" Quinn said standing up out of her chair and looking at Mr. Schue and Kurt couldn't help but make a remark towards her. "It's just weird that somebody in this room who literally nobody likes keeps running her mouth over and over again." Kurt kept his head down towards his phone and Mr. Schue snapped. "ENOUGH." He said looking at everyone. "I've had enough of the fighting. Quinn, stop bullying Rachel. She's under a lot of stress and pressure so leave her alone and if I hear one more remark out of you, you are banned from this competition. As for the rest of you, stop ganging up on Quinn. We are a family and this isn't what family does!" He said. You could hear the emotion in his voice. "This place is our home and we need to start acting like that!" He said turning around to look at the board with the word "HOME" written across it.

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