Big Girl Decisions?

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Rachel took out her phone after the guilt consumed her of hiding her doctors appointment from kurt. She pulled up Kurt's contact and texted him "hey, would you come over for a little bit?" And after sending that text she also pulled up Mercedes contact and texted her the exact same thing. "Hey, could you come over for a little bit?". Rachel sent the text and within a minute or two they both replied back saying they were on there way. She had to tell
Kurt she saw the baby and she had to tell Mercedes that she was pregnant. They were basically god sent friends and she needed them especially through this time in her life. She swiped out of the messages and closed her phone and set it on the counter next to the envelope of baby pictures and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a package of fruit left in the fridge. It contained all of her favorites like watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, and grapes. She basically scarfed the whole thing down, but could you really blame her? She hasn't ate all day because she's a little lazy and took a nap instead and hey, she's carrying a baby, this is hard work! She got lost in her bowl of fruit when she heard her doorbell rang and she opened it to see two smiling faces of her best friends. "Hey, come in." She said opening the door wider and closing it behind them as they entered. "Okay so will you guys sit on the couch." They obliged and sat down. "Mind telling me what this is about?" Mercedes said and Rachel grabbed the envelope on the counter and handed it to a confused looking Mercedes. Kurt anxiously ripped the envelope out of Mercedes hands and opened it himself to see the ultrasound pictures. "You didn't!" He said with a sense of sadness in his voice. "You went to the doctors without me?" He said letting her sadness turn to anger. "I'm sorry Kurt.. I just needed to do it on my own." She said giving his a sad frown and watching his reaction change to the baby's pictures. "That's the baby." She said looking blankly at Kurt to get a reaction out of him. His anger frown quickly turned to a smile. "So theirs really a baby in there?" He said pointing to her stomach. Rachel modded silently and looked over at Mercedes who was so confused "someone tell me what the hell is going on right now?" She said standing up and taking the pictures out of Kurt's hands. "I'm pregnant Mercedes." Rachel said looked sadly at her. Mercedes did something next Rachel didn't expect. She began laughing, but not soft, full on laughter, tears coming out of her eyes and holding her stomach. "I'm serious" she said taking the pictures out of her hands and pointing to the name at the top that clearly read "Berry, Rachel". Mercedes wiped her eyes and stopped laughing. "Are you serious? The virgin, never would let a man touch her, Rachel Barbra Berry.. is preggo? Like you are seriously pregnant?" Mercedes said looking at Rachel wide eyed and Rachel nodded silently again. Mercedes opened her mouth but nothing came out and Kurt looked over at her "yeah, I had the same reaction as well." He said crossing his arms and taking the photos back from Rachel. "Wait Kurt knew this whole damn time? And also berry I have questions? You slept with somebody? Who? What? When? Where? Why?" She said wiping her hands on her jeans and siting back down on the couch. "Alright berry.. story time." She said seriously and sat down on the floor in front of them and watched as Kurt sat down next to Mercedes. "Who? Finn Hudson, yes I know! When? At the stupid party Kurt made me go to, you we're all off busy making out." She said rolling her eyes which prompted a response from Mercedes. "Don't roll your eyes at me drama mama, clearly we were making out, but you were off making a mini Frankenteen." She said giving Rachel a stern look. "Okay, yes, but." She was at a loss for words. Mercedes was right. She was off making babies instead. "Where? I'm Finns bed I hope. And why? Well I was drunk.. like really drunk and it seemed like a good idea." She said shrugging her shoulders. "Clearly it wasn't as it resulted in a baby inside of me." She said feeling that sad feeling coming back up in her chest. "So what are you gonna do? Keep it? When are you gonna tell Finn? What about Quinn? Does she know? How is glee club gonna function? Are me and Kurt the only ones who know? I have so many questions" Mercedes said while Kurt was still in awe about his future niece or nephew. "Kurt! Help me out!" She said slapping his arm. "I already know everything so just sit back and listen." He said shooing her away and looking at all the pictures. "I think.. well I think I'm gonna keep it and I don't know that I'm gonna tell Finn because he's with Quinn and I don't need him and we are gonna be just fine in glee because we are going to keep this between us for a long time until I have to tell everyone." She said with a satisfying smile answering all those questions. "Wait.. you have to tell Finn, that not fair Rachel and that's irresponsible." She said shaking her head at what Rachel just said. "Wait.. you aren't going to tell Finn? You have to tell him!" Kurt said looking away from the photos. "I am a big girl and I am making big girl decisions!" She said raising her voice a little. "Rachel.. Finn has every right to know!" Kurt said raising his voice a little louder than Rachel's. "I support you in everything that you do, but I will not support this. You can tell him, but tell him you don't want him around!" Kurt said setting the pictures on the couch next to him and leaning towards Rachel. "Last I remember, you guys aren't the ones pregnant with his baby and last I remember you didn't have sex with him. So this is my choice!" She said standing up and going to the kitchen to grab some water she was becoming more and more angry by the minute. "Rachel.. come on!" Kurt said rolling his eyes. "No!" Rachel snapped her head at him. "Wait, before we all fight.. Rachel was the sex with him good?" Mercedes said winking at Rachel. Both her and Kurt were still fuming. "Mercedes your supposed to be on my side here!" Kurt said looking back at her. "I am, but I just want to know because let's face it.. he's tall and tall guys have a big.." she continued on but Rachel cut her off. "Yes it was great! Yes it hurt! And yes it's big, but Kurt you can't tell me the choice I'm making is wrong!" She said letting the anger go and the sadness rise in her. "Rachel.. this baby won't have a father, just like you didn't have a mother. Doesn't that mean anything to you? You always wanted to know who she was and what she was like? Don't let my future niece not know her own father!" Rachel knew he was right and the tears flowing down her cheeks let him know that as well. In not true Rachel Berry fashion she let him win the argument. "You're right.." she whispered. "Can you say that again a little louder?" Mercedes said sarcastically. "You are right!" She said wiping her tears. "It's selfish of me to keep Finn from this baby, besides you think it's a girl Kurt?" She said placing her hand on her tiny tiny bump. "Diva, I don't think so, I know so!" He said and snapped his fingers and walked back over to the pictures. "Can I take one of these?" He smiled and Rachel nodded. "Oooh me as well?" Mercedes said with an exciting smile on her face. Rachel nodded as well and let them each rip off one. "That's your future niece or nephew." Rachel smiles and Kurt and Mercedes both got up and walked over to Rachel and pulled her into a nice big hug. "We love you rach and we love this nugget and we will always be here for you two!" Mercedes said and Kurt nodded. "Besides.. it's great for me because it means uncle Kurt gets to do shopping for both baby girl and mommy!" He said excitingly and both Rachel and Mercedes rolled their eyes. Maybe this whole being pregnant thing wouldn't be so awful after all. Maybe this was meant to be and maybe this whole situation would be okay. All Rachel knew is she loved her best friends and she was starting to love this baby inside of her.

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