Episode 3: Legendary Heroes

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~Silicon Tor- Year 2017~

ProtoMan.EXE: You're late.

MegaMan.EXE: Had to check in with HQ. 

The two heroes were sent to infiltrate and uncover Megabyte's plan. 

ProtoMan.EXE: Yeah, anyway there's a lot of security. Whatever, old Megabreath is planning can't be good.

He activates a small hologram map of the fortress. A red dot showing where they are heading.

ProtoMan.EXE: The lower levels are where the most activities are operating. We just need to get in and shut it down.

MegaMan.EXE: Okay. Lead the way.

The two made their way into the fortress. It was quiet and not a lot of guards patrolling the halls. One thing they did found were lots of test tubes with strange creatures inside them. 

ProtoMan.EXE: To be honest... This creeps me out.

MegaMan.EXE: Knowing Megabyte, this will be big trouble if any one of these escapes into Mainframe. It's best to stop him before they do. No matter what we're ending this.

The two make their way to the lower levels where they saw a huge army of Vile Binomes

The two make their way to the lower levels where they saw a huge army of Vile Binomes

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below. Thousands of them preparing for war. And at the center was the main virus himself

 And at the center was the main virus himself

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Megabyte: Glad you could join us.... Heroes.

Vile Binomes cornered the two from both sides, trapping them like a mouse in a cage. Weapons were ready to fight.

MegaByte: Please, even if you were to survive this. All of Mainframe will not. A shame really. Would've been a lot nicer to destroy Bob as well, but this would have to do.

MegaMan.EXE: And this plan is supposed to be different how?

Megabyte: Because now I have this.

He shows a container full of green liquid energy installed to the main computer console.

He shows a container full of green liquid energy installed to the main computer console

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ProtoMan.EXE: Wait, that's-

Megabyte: The Proto-X formula. The very formula with the power I needed to finally conquer Mainframe.

MegaMan.EXE: Yeah... Not going to happen.

A headbutt to the back and a blast from his Mega Blaster, the heroes fought off the Binomes which soon resulted with the destruction of the main console. The fortress started to explode, destroying the army and the Proto-X formula.

Megabyte: No! No! You destroyed everything!

MegaMan.EXE: It's over, Megabyte!

Megabyte: I will have my revenge. On you and the world!

The heroes chased after him to the launch pad outside the fortress. The two jumped onto the rocket and soon catches up with the virus.

MegaMan.EXE: It's over!

Megabyte: *laughs manically* At last we agree on something!

A press of a button and Megabyte escapes into a separate craft. A bomb begins to detonate.

MegaMan.EXE: There's not enough time! We have to jump for it!

However, the red armor hero could not as his foot was stuck underneath a broken bar from the crafts detachment.

ProtoMan.EXE: I can't! 

MegaMan.EXE: Hang on, Armin!

He lets go and tries to free his best friend. The countdown reaching more closer to detonation.

ProtoMan.EXE: Sorry, Fugi.

He kicks him off, causing him to tumble off the rocket.

ProtoMan.EXE: The world still needs someone like you. Besides... can't leave Ami all alone.

He activates his gun and shot the ladder as Fugi falls towards the digital sea.

MegaMan.EXE: No! No! ARMIN!!!

The rocket explodes with ProtoMan's final farewell. The force from the blast knocked Fugi unconscious as he sinks to the bottom of the digital depths below. 

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