Episode 6: Sequence Break

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Fugi got into the car and drove off. Inside was Tari in the front, Theo in the back with a body pillow, T-AI in the car monitor and an unknown man on the wheels.

Tari: Eh...? Who are you?

???: That's an interesting way to say "thank you"to someone who just saved your ass.

Theo: This is Lamar! He is here to help us!

Tari: Is... Is that a full-body pillow in the back?!

Fugi: You just noticed?

Lamar: Eh? Oh yeah, that's Nova-Chan. Don't worry, she's chill.

Theo: I like her!

Lamar: Do me a favor and put on that hoodie by your feet.

Tari What? Why?

Lamar: We saw you back at the arena. Big boss Lux put a tracking chip on your arm. He likes to keep taps of all his "opportunities". The material on your jumper should block the signal.

Tari: *puts hoodie on* Oh! That's how they knew we were in that streaming pod!

Theo: Can we go back there later? I think my fans miss me.

Lamar punched the acceleration with his controller as they were being pursued by Lux.

And followed they were.

Lux: Take out that vehicle, but be sure to use the electro-charges. We need them alive.

The Oni masked man pulls out a rifle, sniffs the ammunition and breathes out. 

Belle: Eww! Where did you find these people, Lux? 

The masked man aims from the top, but almost lost balance after a fast turn around the corner.

Lux: Do not lose them, Belle.

Belle: Come on, Lux, look who you're talking to.

She punched the acceleration after the gang.

Tari: A rifle?! They have a rifle?!

Lamar: Calm down, girl. I got this.

He dodges the bullet as it hits a passing car. 

Tari: Oh god, that was so close.

Theo: Crackerjack! That was awesome! 

Lamar: Hey! Seat belt.

Theo: Yes, sir.

T-AI: Not to panic everyone, but they're catching up.

Fugi: I got this.

He opens the door and jumps on top of the car. 

Stealth Armor Deployed

His armor changed to a dark grey color scheme with his helmet and mask taking on a more smoother style.

Lux on their tail as Fugi fires back with his Mega Buster. The chase heats on as the two vehicles race down the streets.

Belle: *laughs* Oh, this is going to be fun.

Just then the police appeared on the monitor with the words, "POLICE INTERCEPTING. SLOW DOWN AND COMPLY".

Belle: Uhh, Lux. The cops.

Lux: Chief of Police, this is Lux. Yes, that's us. Call your officers off. We're handling the situation.

The cops pulled out as they went into the tunnel. 

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