Chapter 20 Your love's a drug

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Chapter 20 Your love's a drug

Lucas's POV

Today's the day, I think to myself, and then I begin pacing around my room once more. I'm so nervous to tell my dad, and even though I have the perfect speech rehearsed, I'm not sure if that's going to make the situation anymore precarious. He could totally freak out, and make me get out of his house, or he could be understanding and help me through this. It really could go either way, so I'm imagining every single possibility of what he could say. That way I'm not shocked, or overly hurt by something he says.

I look over at the alarm clock beside my bed, and my stomach clenches nervously. I wish it could be as simple as when Emmett told Carlisle and Esme. He told me that they hugged him, and said how proud they were of him, and his quest to find love around his insecurities. Well I'll be able to tell Emmett what my dad says in about an hour. I really wish that I could see him, before my dad gets home because I haven't seen him in two days. I really miss him.

I fall onto my bed exhaustedly because I didn't sleep last night at all. I sat up at my desk, going over and over my speech. I didn't really change much of it, but I did clean it up so it didn't ramble. I need to make it short, sweet, and to the point. That's the way my dad likes to have talks. I wonder if he'll see it coming.

To relax myself, I flip on the TV in the corner of my room. It comes to life, and I note how long it's been since I used this TV. The show that's on used to be one of my favories, but I lost interest in my depression. I would pay attention, and get back into it, but I'm an entire season behind, and I'd never catch up.

I look over at the clock, expecting for the hour to almost be over, but it's only been seven minutes. I groan, before pulling my wallet, and keys from the pants I were yesterday, and walk out to my car. I have Emmett's adress, and i'm going to see him. That'll help me pass the time, and if I'm a few minutes late, even better. I don't relish the thought of ambushing him, as soon as he walks through the door with the "I'm gay" speech.

When I'm about a block away, I reach, for my phone to call him instead of just popping up unexpectedly, and notice I left it at home. Whatever. He'll be happy to see me. I pull into his driveway, and park my car behind his Mercedes. I turn the car off, and shuffle tiredly to his door. My fist bounds against the wood, and a few seconds pass, before the door pulls open. Emmett stands there, and it's all too much.

I run into his shirtless arms, and he wraps them around me tenderly. I feel whole once again, and wide awake. His scent fills my nostrils, and my mouth waters. He is just so beautiful. He kisses my hair, and whispers

"I missed you, but what are you doing here?" he asks, and I laugh, looking up. he pulls me in, from outside, and into his warm house. I look around, wondering what this one will look like.

It's not as grand as their home in Forks, but it has a certain air to it. i love it. Why haven't I come here, before today? That's going to have to change, I think to myself smiling. He pulls me down a hallway, and into an open room. There's a large bed, and a dresser in the room, but that's all I see. When I'm fully inside, however I see a huge TV mounted to the wall, and a bookshelf with dozens of books.

"You like to read?" I ask, and he nods silently. I walk across the carpeted room, and read some of the dusty volumes on his shelf. He has every Shakespeare book that I've ever heard of, and even some that I haven't heard of. He has every old piece of literature that I've ever had to read in my English class, but these look very old.

"Is everything okay?" he asks, and I look at him puzzled. Why would he assume that something was wrong? I nod my head, still confused. "I mean, I'm glad to see you, but I didn't plan on seeing you, and your dad will be home in about twenty minutes" he says, and I can tell he's happy to see me, but he's also not telling me something.

"Emmett, what aren't you telling me?" I ask, and he shifts uncomfortably. i walk back over to where he stands, and look into his blue eyes. There's worry, and stress in them, so I know something isn't right. "Emmett, we are together now, so you need to tell me what's wrong. Maybe I could help you, or I could listen" I suggest, and he just shakes his head, before turning away from me, but I don't give up. I grab his elbow, and turn him back to face me.

"Lucas, I can't lie to you because I care about you too much. We picked up the scent of a strange vampire on the edge of town, but when Edward, and Bella went to hunt it, only Edward came back. We can't find Bella anywhere. We picked up a small coven somewhere near here, so we're going to try there." he says, and my heart erupts with fury, and concern. I hope Bella's okay. I really like her.

I stand there thinking of Edward, and Renesmee. They must be going crazy with worry, and Edward must be dying. Love is too fragile to take for granted because in one single moment they can leave you forever. I look at the bed again, and notice the clothes in his open suitcase. My eyes tear up. Was he going to leave without telling me? I look at him accusingly.

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye?" I ask, and he shakes his head. I can tell he's telling the truth, so I relax a little. "Where are you going Emmett?" I ask, and he just shakes his head, shrugging. I take a step back, and his face crumbles before my eyes. I didn't mean to hurt him, but I'm not sure how to take this in. Am I supposed to let him go, or should I try to stop him? I'm not good at this whole relationship thing.

"How long will you be gone?" I say in a choked whisper, and I know he can tell I'm close to tears. He takes a step torward me, and I follow suit. We fill in the gap between us, and then he's there holding me up, while I let loose the flow of tears. He rubs my back as I sob into his bare chest. After a few minutes I look into his eyes.

"Please be careful, and come back to me. I don't know how I'll function, not knowing where you are, and if you're even alive." I say, and he shakes his head, laughing.

"Lucas, we have cell phones. This isn't the nineteenth century." he says, and i laugh again. He reaches in and wipes my tears away, before kissing me on the lips softly, but I cling to him unwilling to let go.

The kiss becomes deeper, and more urgent. We both know that there's a chance that he will die, and this could be our last chance to be together. He lifts me off my feet, and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me over to his bed, and lays me down, before crawling on top of me. He begins kissing me deeply once more, and I can feel his "form" pressing against my leg, but I wrap my arms around his neck, and respond to the kiss.

He abandons my lips, and begins kissing my neck, and I moan softly. This is so magical, but all I want is his lips, so I pull him back up, and continue where I left off. He slips his tongue in my mouth, and begins to deepen the kiss even more, than before. I run ,y hand up his bare chest, and he shivers. I guess he really liked it.

We finally break apart, when neither of us can catch our breaths anymore. We're both breathing heavily, and I press my forehead to his. All I can see is his blue eyes. This is truly a goodbye to talk about. I hope he will come back, and if he doesn't I will be lost, but atleast we got some sort of goodbye. Edward would be a little more content, if head been able to share a moment like this with Bella, before she left.

"I can take Renesmee home with me, while you guys are away, or I can stay over here, and watch her" i offer, and he smiles. I know he thinks it's a good idea, so I smile.

"Nessie" he calls, and she comes into the room. She smiles when she sees me, but then her face goes back to being sad. "You're going to stay with Lucas, until we all get back" he said to her, and she nodded in understanding.

"I know you'r practically grown, but your mother would want you in safe hands, and you like Luke right?" he asks, and she smiles at me. She grabs her things, and a bag of clothes, and I kiss Emmett one last time, before heading out to my car with Renesmee. I start the car, and drive in the direction of the closest McDonald's.

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