What Led Me Here

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  My sister and I shared a room, in a farmhouse. I got the top bunk. One night, I heard glass shatter, but I stayed asleep because I thought it was a dream. I woke up again later that night and looked over the rails and down at the alarm clock. It read 6:43 am. I had to use the bathroom so I slid down the ladder on my bed. My foot stepped in something wet. I reached down to wipe my foot with my hand. I walked over and flipped the light on. A bright red liquid covered the floor with my footprints leading to the light with it now smeared on the switch. My heart dropped. "Jess?" I whispered quietly. "Jessica?" I walked slowly to her and pulled the bloodstained covers off of her. She had stab wounds all over her. I picked the knife up off the floor. I stumbled backwards. "MOM! DAD!" I yelled. My mom came running in with dad behind her. "Olivia! Oh my god what did you do!?" Dad yelled. "Call the police! My baby!" Mom grabbed Jess and was yelling.

  "I'm telling you! I woke up and heard glass shatter. I woke up again to use the bathroom and..and.." I broke down in tears. The investigator looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "You were holding the knife. If you heard glass shatter why didn't you get up?" He questioned. "I thought I was dreaming.. I...I.. I stepped in something wet and rubbed it off and when I turned the lights on..." I was cut off. "You're parents said you were holding the knife, covered in blood." He said. "I swear I loved my sister! I would never hurt her!" I screamed. "You killed Jessica Collins. You may not remember it." My eyes filled with tears again. This isn't possible, I heard it... what if it was a dream.. what if I did kill her. "We have a special place for sick people like you, you're parents have spoke to Sister Jude of Briarcliff Insane Asylum. You will be place in a holding cell and transported there first thing in the morning." Two men cane in and handcuffed me. I began screaming and crying. Why would my parents do this?

   I was on a mat in a holding cell that night. I've never felt so alone. I'd rather be dead than be charged with killing my own sister. I had to think. Busted glass, a knife. Our house was broken in to... but why did they just kill Jessica? He explained to me how only mine and Jessica's prints were on the knife. He said it was impossible for her to stab herself that many times and lived through it. Her heart, lungs and stomach were all pierced multiple times. She basically choked on her own blood. My family knows I'm not like that. Wait.. Jessica's boyfriend was crazy. He always told her if she broke up with him he'd kill her. They broke up last night! I have to tell someone!

  As a deputy walked in the next morning, I asked him if I could say one more thing. "....and they broke up the night before Jess died! He might have wore gloves, he plays football! That's why you can't see the prints!" I begged. "Look Olivia, I'll look into it as much as I can because it doesn't add up to me either." He said. "My name is Charlie, I take people to and from Briarcliff, as well as do walk-ins." I nodded. He handcuffed me and put me in his car. I was on the way to my new life.

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