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One month, one more month of this horrid place.

"Today I'm gonna tell N & E about some really exciting news" I said into the camera and I waited for Elle to get in the car. We drove to get Nicole and get some food. We pulled up to a small coffee shop and went inside.

We sat down waiting for our drinks. I got an iced coffee while they got hot chocolate.

" Okay guys so I have some news.." I set the camera to see all of us.

"Okay what?" Elle asked slightly worried.

"Okay soo...IM MOVING!!" I said super excited.

"Oh.. where?" Nicole asked sadness hinted in her words.

"TO L.A.!" I said super happy. Ive always wanted to move there.

Both of their faces fell.

"What? When?" Elle asked.

"a week after school!" I replied

"What!?" They both yelled.

"Yeah but that's not even the best part!" I said unable to keep my excitement in.

"Oh..well then what is?" Nicole asked he head hanging.

"You guys are coming with me!" I yelled causing a few people go look our way.

"WHAT NO WAY!" Both of them said in excitement. "H-HOW?"

"I asked your parents and they said if you guys are willing to go down there with me that you can!"I was basically out of my seat at this point.

"OH MY GOSH WERE MOVING TO LA!" We all squeaked coming into a group hug.

(Just to let you know in the video it's just gonna say that they are moving but not to la so know body knows where she's going)

"Ok but in all seriousness we have to discuss the details" I said straightening myself out and turning my camera off.

"So I have it planned and we can of course change a few things but this is a decent place to start" I began "So what we're doing is we're going on a road trip! All the way to California, but we're gonna rent a camper to drive instead of buying hotels and stuff and we can stay in Walmart's parking lots if we all need to sleep" I paused letting them ask questions.

"And we're gonna do stops we're we can meet fans like if it's possible we'll stop in Tennessee if a few fans are there to say hi. Just as long as it's on the way. And my car is gonna be hitched to the back of the camper. And we can pack all our stuff in the camper so we don't have to ship it and we can buy big furniture when we get down there" I finished as they nodded in agreement.

"But where are we staying when we get there?" Elle asked.

"Ive been looking at a few places but I waded you guys to help out with that since you would be living there too" I smiled and they nodded their head vigorously.

I reached in my bag and pulled out my laptop and set it on the small coffee table in between us. I reached for my camera putting it in my bag. I faced the computer again now logging in.

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