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As their friends watched on, the girl with blonde hair playfully unbuttoned the boy's red and black flannel shirt, sitting closely together with an intoxicating gaze. His arm possessively wrapped around her waist, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. Meanwhile, Kat and the new girl, their speech slurred from the alcohol in their cups, glanced in their direction. Amidst this scene, Hannah, the new girl, couldn't help but be captivated by the beautiful blonde-haired girl and her dynamic with the boy. The way she interacted with him, with arms wrapped around his neck and his gaze fixed on her with a hint of possessiveness, intrigued Hannah. Their moment was briefly interrupted by a blonde girl's remark, causing the boy to spill his drink in surprise.

However, he quickly recovered, meeting Hannah's gaze and receiving an understanding nod. Montgomery, the boy, then placed an arm around Hannah's waist, lifting her slightly before they settled back down. Throughout the night, Hannah couldn't ignore the alluring presence of the slender blonde-haired girl, who danced with captivating grace.

All eyes were on her, filled with jealousy and desire, as she moved in a way that drew attention from everyone around. But it was Montgomery who held Hannah's attention, and his name lingered on her lips. Hannah smiled as she observed their undeniable connection, sensing that they were inseparable. The music played, and the girl's body swayed against Montgomery's, their movements perfectly synchronized. They danced with a sensuality that enticed everyone in the room. Hannah couldn't help but wonder if there was something more than friendship between them.

However, she soon learned from Kat that the girl was Cara Montenegro, the one whom everyone desired and admired.

It became clear to Hannah that Montgomery was the only one who truly held Cara's attention.

Amidst their seductive dance, Hannah found herself unable to tear her eyes away as Cara and Montgomery moved closer, their bodies intertwining in a way that suggested an intimate connection. The intensity of their movements and the passion between them left Hannah gasping, captivated by their chemistry.

Kat whispered in her ear, cautioning her about their unbreakable bond and warning her against getting involved. Clay approached Hannah, urging her to be cautious around Montgomery and emphasizing the potential consequences of getting too close to him. Hannah's gaze was drawn to Montgomery's owl tattoo, which added to his aura of danger.

Another voice echoed the same sentiment, highlighting Montgomery's protectiveness over Cara and the perception of any threat.

Bryce's words further confirmed the possessiveness displayed by both of them. As Hannah absorbed these warnings, she realized that nothing and no one could come between Cara and Montgomery. Their connection was intense and unwavering, leaving Hannah both intrigued and apprehensive.

The more she felt Montgomery's eyes on her, the more she understood the depth of their relationship, unknowingly stepping into a journey that would forever alter their lives.

A/N: Hey I'm back. Sorry for the delay hope this was worth the wait. Leave me comments down below. They would be greatly appreciated. ;)

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