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A/N: Italics well be inner thoughts in present chapters.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Alex advanced recklessly against Montgomery. Too far gone to think about the consequences. Only wanting to erase the guilt that consumed him as he stared fearlessly into Montgomery dark eyes.

"Hannah I'm so fucking sorry."

Soon everyone started to join in and watch. All crowding the street, phones out and rigid. All watching at Montgomery, jaw clenched and the amusement washed from his face.

"What the hell?!," Cara muttered, rubbing at the sliver bracelet that Hannah had given her.

"You don't see one without the other." One girl whispered.

"You should be." His voice thick, taking on a darker undertone. "Well, fuck you!" Alex screamed, arms flailing wildly.

"Come on, Monty." Cara's fingers snaking their way around his arm, pulling him back. The edgy, swarming pitiful nerves tightening in his stomach eased with a simple touch as he slightly turned his head to gaze at shimmering girl that glowed in the rays of light. A small smile worming its way onto his lips.

Her eyes held a gleam that seemed to shimmer and burn. Those same eyes that pleaded with him. Almost as if to say Hannah believed in you. But he knew better. Alex acting like a maniac, as he thought to have fell from the most heavenly pleasures to be racked up in nerves and paranoia. On edge. But it was bad, because which action that draws to much attention to themselves, Clay could only solidify Hannah's words as the simple truth. He dropped his hand as he slowly relented to the simple pleas of his name falling from her honey saccharine lips. No longer interested in the sweet promise of a fight. Or the metallic, sweet blood that flew to the surface. But to the glowing girl, that basked in the light.

It seemed though as fate had other ideas. The roaring cry for blood to be split and the seven hells came to knock on all their conscious, ever closer..

"Oh look who it is. His faithful obedient bitch." Alex sneered at the dark haired girl. Tears formed in her eyes in surprise and betrayal as Monty turned to her. His thumb wiping the fallen tears. It appeared the blond was desperately itching to get pummeled into the blacktop. Suddenly the crowd went quiet. The charge was back in the air, and to the crowd it was electrifying. Endless gossip and parades of texts no doubt would be sent as they held their breath. It made his feet as was well as Cara as his arm wrapped around her shoulders. "What the fuck Alex?!" Cara screamed, pushing his arm off and advanced toward Alex. Everything be damned to hell. Only stopping inches away from him, eyes blazing.

"You don't want to mess with me little boy!"

"I will break you in half." She warned, her fingers snaking around his jaw. Her temper flaring as she almost always let Montgomery took the lead.

"No one spoke to her that way."

Her black nails viciously slicing into her palms, drawing blood. The adrenaline pumping into her veins. God she loved this feeling! Cheeks flushed as she stared down the rude blonde boy. Friends or not. Alex tried to move, but her nails slashed at his skin, blood pooling on his pale skin. While her fingers squeezed his jaw. Hard and painful. Even crushing a bit of his male pride. Montgomery was proud that she was being her normal bitchy self, but he would take of care it. Just as he always did. She released her grip and walked towards Monty, almost as if she tag teaming him in. The next words were out of mouth before he could stop them.

"What did you jump on his cock to fill the empty piece inside you, huh?!" As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his eyes widened in shock. He quickly sobered up from his death wish. The words he desperately tried to get out; only turned to ash as he stared at the hurt expression on Cara's face. The betrayal so evident in her eyes. However it was too late and the damage was done.

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