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The weeks had gone by and surely the vicious, scathing rumors and remarks had finally subsided

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The weeks had gone by and surely the vicious, scathing rumors and remarks had finally subsided.

Yet, the damage had been done and their was no turning back except moving forward with her two people. Much to Hannah's relief and shame as she walked down the halls beside Cara.

Her wild brown tresses bounced along her shoulders. Her lips parted as her elbow was locked around the blonde's. Loud giggles escaped her parted lips. She felt on top of the world. The sheer lightness in her bones and the falling rare stars began to burn in her veins.

"Oh come on...That was epic!" Her doe eyes shined in a new kind of fascination that held a whole nother layer of respect for her friend.

"Ooh please. You're too kind. That was nothing." Cara dismissed with the wave of her hand. A small smile creeping onto her lips.

"That was not nothing. That was badass." Hannah exclaimed, grabbing onto her friends hand with reassurance. "The way you told off Bryce. Was amazing!"

"He was like disturbed to be kneeling on the ground. Looking up to see the victory on your face. Finally that Darth Vader wannabe got what he deserved." 

Cara snapped towards the brunette. Her golden eyes widening and sharpening upon the brunette with a new found edge. Gone was the insecurity and ill-fated rumors from her flesh. Appreciating the reverence and child-like adoration in which those innocent doe brown eyes held was astounding and Cara only loved it more.

It was mesmerizing and beautiful as she watched Hannah become infatuated with her like a child and only watched her in cheerful tones, and so eager to please.

Mocked the unconventional sheer encompassing love that was shone beneath her orbs. Though it was a shame that it was nothin more than a mere passing fancy that soon would become what she always suspected it was. Hatred. The truest and darkest form. Higher like the mesmerizing stars that shone the night sky. A mangled twisted version of attraction that was blinding and all consuming till it exploded in hot blinding rage.

A sigh escaped Cara's lips and regarded the brunette with mistrust and almost disappointment that radiated with the same warmth she received from the girl.

It only ensnared Hannah more in her wonder. The desire in her protection as the next words slipped unconsciously, "You know i wasn't always this badass as you put it. I was once like you. Wanting to believe the best in everyone and wanted to always be there for people, but with my papa it was...hard." For the lack of a better word. It was the understatement of a century. To describe Raul Montenegro. The business titan. Or simply their relationship.

"If you could call it that."

Hannah's eyes squinted then widened in sympathy. Almost as if she couldn't believe that her fearless confident friend was her for lack of a better word to describe it. Gave Hannah a newfound confidence that made her chin raise a little higher and wanted the silky veins in Cara's all the more.

Also knowing the blonde goddess rarely spoke about her family. Save for the fact that was already common knowledge like he was an important figure in the business world or what was privy to gossip. Similar to Monty's home life except the marred bruises and rumors about what went on behind closed doors. So from Hannah's perspective It was easy to see why they were so close and dependent on each other.

Yet, it didn't curl the nasty lingering emotion she felt as she gazed at otherwise alluring blonde. If anything it began to twist into a mix of  frightening, marred emotions. Like she was on the outside looking in and all thanks to the girl beside her.

She knew her place. At Monty's left side while Cara was always on his right. Always first priority and her to be second. And yet at revealing information just spoken. The sheer pain and uncertainty she felt a pang resonate in her heart. It felt unimaginable. Cruel and heartless. She couldn't relate simply because she had loving parents that sometimes were either laidback or overprotective.

Sympathy and guilt tugging at her heart and only watch at the hard lines around her eyes. Gone was the fire, the blonde often showed, but reduced to mere ashes and looked like a one of Peter Pan's lost boy.

Hannah felt compelled to remove the hard look in her eyes and wanted to see the stars shimmer once again in her golden orbs. For the mere fact. That she wanted it for herself. It was air for the brunette. To be in her bubble was to have the heavens shine down around her and give her warmth. Just like Cara did when the list came out. They both did.

She wanted to repay the kindness and worthiness she felt as Cara had just told her a secret and that wasn't plagued with mistrust or ugly damaging rumors. A pang of hearty friendship tightened their bond more as Hannah threw her arms around Cara's neck and pulled her close.

Cara hesitated for a second before doing the same  and relished in their closeness at the heart felt sympathies.

A wicked knowing smile already playing on her lips as her golden orbs shone in mirth and only adjusted her grip as she moved herself further into her embrace.

While Hannah pulled back. Her eyes never leaving Cara's. Excitement and happiness shined in her eyes, "Can you help me get ready for my date with Monty?!"

A twinkled mirth appeared in her liquid honey orbs. A finger curling in one of Hannah's stray long curly locks. "Of course."

"We have to bring out those beautiful cheekbones." A grin curved at her lips.

Hannah only smiled dreamily and glanced at her and locked her arms with Cara's.

Very much looking forward to this night. Yet, a bubble of nerves formed in the pit of her stomach.

"This is going to good." She mumbled repeatedly in spite of the failed disasters that happened to be her past dates. And chalked it all up to nerves and adjusted her grip upon Cara's with her head held up high.

"It's just nerves."


Sorry guys! I'm been busy with school and writing two new books cuz why not that hopefully will be posted soon. Don't worry, that does not mean this story to be left unfinished. I will continue to update as frequently as I can. I just have lots of ideas and characters that make it hard to concentrate on a single book.

Btw, what you think is going happen? Is this date going to go good or will it start Hannah's downfall?

Btw, what you think is going happen? Is this date going to go good or will it start Hannah's downfall?

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Also I'm looking for a beta reader to help usher out the new chapters I have prattling in my mind. If anyone is interested. Please contact me. It would be very much appreciated.


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