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"I danced with the devil and decided I liked it. Felt his hot tongue on my cheeks and our blood between fingers. When we kissed it felt like stars living up in the heavens. My brain rustling with the most wonderful mania." -Unknown

Cara slipped her hand into his waiting arm, and together they stood above the crowd of students, their eyes sparkling with glitter. They exuded an air of superiority as the sea of bodies instinctively parted for them. The gymnasium was transformed into a vibrant winter wonderland, adorned with shades of purple, blue, and pink. They attracted both desire and envy from those around them, drawing the attention of onlookers who tried to inch closer, only to be pulled back by their partners. The same allure applied to the girl by his side, her midriff peeking through the thick straps of her daring and exquisite dress, accentuating her hourglass figure. They embodied a captivating wickedness that enticed both genders.

She turned to him with mischief and adoration in her eyes, a smile threatening to escape her lips. His own mouth twitched, barely containing his own smile. The brunette sitting alone on the darkened bleachers caught their attention, her head resting in her hands out of boredom.

"Well, if it isn't the new girl!" Monty greeted her, his voice carrying a husky and innocent tone.

She lifted her chin and preened, glad that he had remembered her, even though he hadn't given her a second glance. In the midst of the vibrant lights, she reveled in their presence and felt a sense of happiness. She yearned for their attention, which seemed to define their very being.

He wrapped his arm around Cara's waist as she swayed to the beat, relishing in the unwavering attention they received. Bryce called out to Monty, signaling him to join with a silver flask in hand, while Cara tugged on Hannah's arm, pulling her back to their side. Hannah's disappointment was evident, though Cara flashed a smile that failed to reach her eyes. Their attention shifted momentarily to the rowdy crowd in the shadows.

Monty's voice cut through the doubt creeping at the edge of her mind, and she raised her eyes to meet his. The lights accentuated his striking features, shining in the darkness. His warm fingers wrapped around her wrist, sliding a colorful plastic bracelet onto her delicate skin. "Don't ever say I never gave you anything," he said, and she could only nod reverently, feeling a deep sense of devotion in her fragile bones. She drowned in the intoxicating allure of sin and darkness, his touch on her skin tasting sweet and satisfying.

As they moved further into the crowd, their footsteps faded away, leaving her alone on the darkened bleachers. Cara reached for the silver flask in Bryce's hand, drinking the burning liquid down her throat before passing it to Montgomery, who took a long sip.

The speakers blasted a familiar beat, and Tony's voice boomed, "And this is for my favorite girl!" The alcohol began to affect Cara, making her sway and wear a goofy grin on her face. She tugged on his arm, urging him to dance with her, their feet swaying to the rhythm.

He couldn't deny her anything.

The lyrics washed over her, and she got lost in the words, her golden eyes fixated on his dark gaze. Her arms twisted above her head, her hips sensually gyrating. She bewitched him, and a peaceful smile curled on her lips.

Within seconds, he guided his feet toward her, yanking her into his chest, causing her to yelp in protest. But the look in his eyes silenced her.

Her dazed orbs peered up at him through her lashes, despite the slight height difference. He seemed to tower over her, their bodies swaying to the comforting and familiar lyrics, an air of sensuality and obscenity enveloping them. She couldn't help but gulp, his intense gaze captivating her.

His possessive hands rested on her hips, his nose brushing against hers, a nagging feeling lurking in the back of his mind. But before the spell could fully take hold, a tap on his shoulder broke their connection, and Justin shook a white box in his hand.

He dropped his arm from her waist, planting a kiss on Cara's bare shoulder before following Justin outside to smoke.

His sudden departure left her aching, but the ache dissipated as Jessica offered her the silver flask. Cara's feet led her to Jessica and Sheri in the crowded dance floor, their bodies swaying happily to the beat, heads dipped in the euphoria of freedom and joy.

Her arm lazily danced along her face, fingertips weaving through her hair as her upper body swayed and her hips rolled to the rhythm. Laughter escaped her lips, and her intoxicated state added to her delight.

Hands moved toward the middle of her stomach, causing a soft moan to escape her lips. "Monty," she groaned, leaning her head back into his chest, feeling his chin nestled in her hair.

Something felt wrong. The atmosphere shifted, feeling repulsive, and she recoiled from his touch and stepped away. Her hand swiftly met his cheek with a forceful slap, leaving a slight bruise.

Monty held his cheek, his ego wounded as he glanced up at her. He tried to wrap his arm around her, longing to hear that delightful sound again, but it ended abruptly.

Monty strode toward them, a smile dancing on his lips, though his dark eyes shone differently, causing Bryce to nervously glance between them. A defiant smile played on Cara's lips as she stood behind Montgomery, her manicured nails resting on his chest. Though Bryce knew better than to pursue further, he reached into his jacket and pulled out the flask.

Montgomery didn't seek revenge; he sought equality.

With that thought in mind, he gulped down the remaining contents of the burning liquid, their laughter merging into a sweet melody. Monty held her free hand, and they headed into the middle of the crowd, bumping into couples like they were doing a tango in the cramped space.

Left alone in the darkness, Bryce let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding, a smile lingering on his lips. Hannah observed everything.

"They were more than friends," her mind whispered nastily as she watched their bodies entwine, their intoxicated laughter pushing her to take Clay's hand as he led her to the crowded dance floor.

However, her desire to be in Monty's arms for the rest of the night was shattered when Bryce tapped her on the shoulder. Leering over her, he uttered, "Hey, where's your girlfriend? I hear you two like to involve guys now."

His words cut her deep, wiping away her smile as she faced his lewd grin. He trailed his eyes down her figure and continued his cruel words, "Courtney says you asked her for a threesome. Can't blame you, she's hot." He leaned in slowly, his finger teasingly tracing her arm, his eyes gleaming with promise.

Hannah stood frozen, tears welling up in her eyes, and she glanced back at Clay. The tears streamed down her face as she pushed past Bryce and Clay, practically running towards the solace of the darkened hallway.

She rubbed her face, feeling the pressure in her heart, and slid down the lockers, letting the tears flow.

A/N: Sorry readers! If you loved the previous version, but I just had to re-edit it to my liking. To satisfy the itch as I re-read it.

Hope you love this version. It doesn't veer off too much from my original storyline but does include the Courtney drama. 🤔🤔😁😁😁

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