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"Friendship is complicated

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"Friendship is complicated. But don't worry you won't go through this alone. That's not fun. I've been there. Now it won't always be easy."

"Come on" she whispered teasingly, spinning on her heel and clasped her hands together at the brand new couple. Before sauntering over and let her hands fall around Scotty's  shoulders, and placed a kiss on his cheek, though her eyes never left his.

Ignoring the longing looks of desires. Their eyes widening as they discreetly tried to roam her dancing curves.

And Hannah looked on mesmerized as she gazed at the lingering eyes that still dared to roam her figure. Stardust and otherworldly rage seemed to explode in her veins as her eyes darkened in tiny specks of jealously at the unwavering adoration and devotion that seemed to glimmer in their eyes.

Monty narrowed his eyes considerably before allowing them to fall back on the lingering brunette. Who stood somewhat awkwardly behind him. Occupied on the seated classmates around her still lingering on Cara.

"Is she always like this?" Hannah blinked and asked quietly behind him. She clutched the tray tighter in between her fingers and ignored the penetrating stare at her back.

"Pretty much." The hint of a smile in his tone.

He too made himself scarce and left the brunette standing there. Her eyes glazed over and couldn't help but linger till she jumped at the sound of the tray hitting the table.

Soon enough everyone was laughing at what Bryce said till Hannah quickly made her way to the table and sat awkwardly next to him. Her mouth twitched apprehensively that Bryce spoke up, "We don't bite." Fighting to keep the smile off his face.

"Unless you want me to." That a slick shiver crawled up her spine and remembered the way he looked at her at the dance made her shift into Monty's embrace.

It didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the people at the table.

Cara whacked Bryce upside the head, and glanced at the brown-haired girl, apologetic . "Ignore him." The smile lighting up her face  and her cheeks redden at unused attention.

And her head perked up at the friendly faces around her. The promise of friendship in their eyes shined magnificently, the popular crowd wanted to be friends with her.

By the gracious extension of Cara. Holding the keys to the elite of Liberty High.

The fated words of Kat went ignored.

Just at the ten letter word had so much significance and meaning to the brunette and scouldn't help but want to be caught up in their warmth embrace that would wrap around her. The power of being associated to them and everything else that came along with it as she gazed at the group with gleaming starry eyes and  honey lips, as her fingers tucked a fallen strand behind her ear and grinned sheepishly.

It couldn't have been more perfect for Montgomery. He glanced at her as a wolfish grin curled at his lips. The mere hint of innocence surrounded her and it drew him in even more, like a moth to the flame.

He desperately wanted to corrupt her innocence along with the rest who grinned at her, like sweet lullaby of the sirens that made Hannah lean in a bit more onto the table and reach across the table to entangle her fingers with Cara.

While Bryce lit up at the prospect of having her wrapped around him, even though Montgomery had already claimed her after the raging hatred he carried for the president of student council. Abandoned her. Made her look foolish for the better part of three hours making her wait and she foolishly stayed hoping. He'd come.

And someone did. Just the devil in disguise. Became her saviors.

"Yes." Montgomery smiled as he reached for her other hand and held it above the table, her cheeks flushing red.

Soon the table roared with laughter and she couldn't help but join in. Her magnetic, alluring smiles allowed her to relax and the worries wash away.

She could forgive their past actions against her since the beginning of the school year. The tears, anguish, and betrayal of Justin's misdeeds were no longer important as she lifted her chin to greet Monty's deep mysterious orbs and get sucked in.

But she'd never forget.

Though her eyes glazed over. Desperate and hungry as she stared at the beautiful boy with a raging short temper that could explode into million tiny shards ready to scrape and tear into the intoxicating glow of secrets and bleeding hearts.

The secrets of the past. Her past needed to remain hidden. After all secrets tended to bond or destroy hearts.

And Hannah needed it to remain in the past.

Cara leaned towards the table and dug her elbows stubbornly into the table. The sliver band firmly wrapped around her arm and sighed, digging her teeth into her lip.

Curiosity and distrust flowing through her beautiful hot crimson veins. As she gazed at the bright eyed brunette with something akin to envy and hated to see any girl so close to him.

Though she accepted it. And swallowed her pride.

And a shadow of smile curled at her lips and brought the remaining French fries from Monty's tray into her mouth and individually licked the salt from each finger with such caress that the horny jocks seemed to stop mid sentence and swallow harshly at the careful attention to her fingers.

Monty growled at the provoked teasing from and soon called back the leering dogs. Away.

Discomfort and disappointment as they immediately looked down into their trays at the fear of being on the other side of Monty's wrath.

She soon lifted her chin and gazed innocently at her friends around her. A teasing smile toying at her mouth.

Especially the anger and annoyance radiating off the angry boy.

"What!?" She asked at leering hungry gazes watching her lips.

Successfully ruffling his feathers. Though Hannah looked on confused and slightly intrigued.

•Authors Note•

Don't be a silent reader. Be an active one.

The story will pick up now.

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