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A.N: Yay!!! We have reached 800 views!!!! I'm so excited.

I'm so sorry for abandoning this story, but I'm just coming off a nasty case of writer's block and much needed mental health break to get myself back on track for this amazing story.


The cheers echoed throughout the gym. It was electrifying as well as repetitive to be celebrating the jocks once again, even when one of their own had taken their life just a few weeks before.

It left a somber note upon the student body of Liberty. Despite that it was swept under the rug by everyone, all except the 9 people on the tapes.

And Clay watched somberly at the cheering applause around him.

The buzzer rang loudly and annoying overhead. The cheers and claps on par with the names being called out. By none other than Bryce Walker. Who stood behind the podium with his boyish good-looks and a disarming smile adorned his face.

"Zach Dempsey!" He ran out of the broken banner; a glittering smile adorned his face as a blonde-haired girl ran and did several round offs before landing in the splits. Increasing the excitement and wonder that praised the jocks.

"Justin Foley...y!" The cheers ceased just a little to be somewhat noticeable as Jessica shifted awkwardly by the podium, eyes searching for him through the double doors.

Soon that became overshadowed by the rest of the cheerleaders and the basketball players running through the doors with grins curving their mouths upward seemed to only increase their egos and that of boosters.

The  student body quieted down and held their breath as some girls gazed with envy and awe of girls. Increasing the suspense and excitement as they flicked their waiting eyes to the tan double doors that burst open.

"Let's give up for the State Dance Team!" Bryce yelled pumping his fist into the air, slow claps resonated in the large gym.

As the girls ran out in the white wife beaters and camouflage pants that hugged their curves, hair bouncing and the glittering smiles on their face.

With none other than Cara leading them, and blew a kiss towards the crowd. While some couldn't help but roll their eyes and others couldn't help but be swept up by the pep. 

Whatever the students thought since the wake of Hannah's death. It was largely overshadowed by sports. Though it managed to linger in the crevices as the girls lined themselves up in the center of the gym in three rows.

Praised, awe, and envy equal that to boys' sports.

And Cara couldn't have cared less, because Hannah fucking wouldn't loom over her and drag her down to the deepest of hells. And for what! There were more important things than being ignored, forgotten, and not being spoken to.

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