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3e person's pov

(Y/N) is now 17 years old. It's been 3 years since she found the soba shop Yamamura. It also has been 3 years since she met her soba family. A few things happened in those 3 years.

1) (Y/N) developed a new liking towards Gaku. More than just a brother.

2) Lia became more distant. She even disappeared. Well, that's what (Y/N) thoughed. Lia got adopted! (Y/N) was happy, but also sad that she didn't told her. They haven't had any contact since then.

3) Since Lia left, she has been busy with voice acting. It's a part of her training for her voice. She still strives to become an idol. And of course it's her way to make money.

4) Even after so many years, producers still try to talk to her and to make her an idol. She still refuses because they all just want the song.

Y/N pov

"So let's talk quirks. I'll go first if you want. Obviously I can jump high and cling to pretty much any wall. And of course there is my tongue, I can stick it out about 20 meters. Oh, yeah. I can spit out my stomach so I can clean it. That's not really useful. Finally, I also secrete a toxic mucus. It just stinks a bit."


"Great job (Y/N)! That's it. You can come out and we'll continue tomorrow." My boss said.

I give her a thumbs up and take of my headphones. As I walk out the studio I see the voice actor of Izuku Midoriya.

"Hey Midoriya!" I called him in my Tsuyu Asui voice.

"What?! Oh, hey Asui!" He replied back in his Izuku Midoriya voice.

"I told you to call me Tsu." I say laughing, not able hold Tsuyu's voice. He laughs with me too.

"Hey, want to go out for coffee?" He asked.

"Sure. Sounds fun!"

We walked towards a small Starbucks nearby. We ordered our coffee and waited.

"So how are you (Y/N)?"

"Great actually. I enjoy life. And how have you been?"

"Great too! But I still need to learn how to do the mumbling thing of Midoriya. You don't want to know how many times that went wrong." He said causing me to laugh.

"Yeah, I got what you mean. Tsu's voice is also something you need to focus on. Sometimes, I get so fixated on doing her voice right, that I have no idea of what I'm saying." I chuckled. "Today for example. I was trying so hard to get her voice right, that I accidentally said Mineta's sentences. Could you imagine?"

"Great, now I got that stuck in my head. Mineta with Tsuyu's voice. Thanks (Y/N)."

"You're welcome!"

'I think I ruined Mineta for him. Whoops.'

He was about to say something, but then his phone rang.

"Hello?...Yes, I am.Why?...Seriously?!...Please don't tell me it's the mumbling part...Alright, I'm coming...don't mention it. Well, see you soon."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Boss just called me. She forgot to record one certain part because she was laughing to much."

This caused me to laugh.

"Let me guess. Is it the-"

"Yes, it is."

That caused me to laugh even more.

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