Kujo Tenn...?

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I know I haven't been updating in a while! I'm sorry! I thought that 2 chapters would be appropriate^^
Anyways enjoy~

Y/N pov

The next morning Tsumu explained more about the not performing thing. It was to seek 'external stimulation'. We weren't allowed to sing nor dance. Even I wasn't allowed to do any of that sort!
With all this free time, I decided to get to know the boys better.
Iori and I have talked a lot. We are actually really close now!
Tamaki and I were talking a lot too. We told each other some things about our past as an orphan and told each other funny stories.
Yamato and I shared a hobby: Theatre. We went to watch a play and when we got back to the dorm, we performed it for the rest.
Mitsuki, Sougo, Riku and I have been cleaning up around the dorm, cooking and talking with a cup of coffee.
Nagi and I watched anime together. I took him with me to a recording studio. There is a new season of an anime I voice acted in and I thought he would appreciate it. He did, he got some signatures from voice actors he adored.

Even if we did fun things, it was still hard. Dancing and singing is such a big part of our lives! Why did I agree with this again?

To be short, we had our ups and downs. But I believe it has made our bond stronger!

And today is the day! Trigger's concert. Of course, I didn't want to come, but I got forced by Tsumugi. And the boys don't know anything about...that.
It's to early for them to know.

But right now, instead of being on time, waiting with the rest for the concert to begin...

"Yamato, Nagi, Tamaki! Run faster!" I yell.

"Tamaki and I have been ready since this morning so we wouldn't be late!" Nagi shouted.

"I can't believe some of our fans turned to be police officers who got us involved in a bombing!" Tamaki said.

"Do you think they'll believe we're late because we stopped an explosion at the Tokyo SOLAIRO Tower?" Nagi asked.

"I wouldn't." Yamato sweatdropped.

"Of course not." Tamaki and Nagi said.

We continued running when suddenly a man stumbled before us and fell. Us four caught the man just in time!

"Wheh, safe." I said.

"Huh? Isn't that..." Yamato started.

"Trigger's..." Nagi said.

"Kujo Tenn." Yamato finished.


"Are you okay?" Nagi asked.

"Yes. Thank you." Kujo Tenn said.

"Hey, aren't you going to be in today's concert?" Tamaki asked.

"We were on our way to see it!" Nagi said.

"So it hasn't gotten out huh?" Kujo mumbled. He stood up. "I'm really sorry to have inconvenienced our fans. I'm fine- ughh"

Kujo fell down again. Yamato pushed him back on the bench.

"It doesn't look like you are." Yamato said.

"We're not fans, we're idols too. And this is our coach!" Tamaki said and he pointed at me.


"We came to see today's concert because...uh, what was it again? Oh, that's it. For simple stimulation!"

"Don't be rude!" Yamato said.

"Hey, you." Kujo said. "Carry me to the station. I'll do anything."

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