A Second Chance Concert

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Y/N pov

"Look, everybody is talking about you." Ogami said.

"They broadcasted it? Can you see my face?" Tamaki asked.

"I'm not sure, since it was raining so hard. But a friend of mine recognized you as IDOLISH7." I told him. "He thought you guys were good."

"Well, I'm happy that we got fans from that concert." Mitsuki said.

"I'm just glad they enjoyed it." Sougo said.

"And we had fun too." Riku said.

"Yes, it was exciting! It felt like we were causing the storm."

"Other music news sites are covering the story as well." I told them.

"We have also recieved requests to appear at company events for some of the people who were watching." Tsumu said.

"Looks like that concert gave everyone the impression you're an energetic group." Ogami said.

"Well, they're not wrong." I said laughing. "Geez, you guys can be a lot to handle sometimes."

Nagi and Tamaki are the most difficult. Nagi would try to 'secretly' leave the training to watch Magical Kokona, because all true fans must watch it live. Tamaki would make up his own choreography or complain about being hungry.

"Oh, right! Riku-San and Iori-San have gotten a fan site." Tsumu said.

"Really?! Let me see!!" Riku said as he scouted closer to the computer. Iori remained silent, but had his gaze fixed on the screen.

"Apparently, they like you two together." Tsumu said.

"Yes, they even have a shipping page for you guys." I said in a teasing tone.

"What? With him?! No way!" "Why? In your dreams! Absolutely not!" The two shouted.

"I'm lying though."

The two of them remained frozen, unable to speak a word. I thought it was kinda funny.

"Well, having such passionate fans makes me happy." Mitsuki said laughing. "Yamato-San has gotten a lot of fan letters."

"Some made a fan for you, Mitsu. I was pretty moved when I saw that."

"Ohh! Sougo recieves luxurious gifts from anonymous senders once a week." Nagi said.

"I'm really grateful for them." Sougo said, scratching his cheek.

"Our stock of CDs ran out, so we needed to order more. And we get more followers every day." Tsumu said. The boys got pretty excited and started exploring on the internet themselves.

"Manager, Coach. Do you have a minute?" Iori asked us.


"Another outdoor concert?" Yamato asked.

"At the venue? What if only nine people show up again?" Mitsuki asked.

"Th-this time, we'll fill the stands." Tsumu said.

"You don't sound so sure." Riku muttered.

"We'll fill them!!!" Tsumu shouted.

"Yes, I'm sure. You've all worked so hard and we've been spreading your names for weeks now. Our voice was to soft earlier, but it'll reach out to people now." I reassured them. "I mean, yeah, our previous concert was not one of the best, but it was beneficial in some way."

"Ohh, the experience of performing in a large venue?" Nagi guessed.

"You guessed it."

"I get it, but do you really think we can fill the stands?" Sougo asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2020 ⏰

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