Chapter 10

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Dearest Freya,

I would first like to apologies for not speaking with you sooner. Your wait for this letter has probably made you anxious and I'm sorry. For years it has been something in the past and never mentioned since it's events. It has been a very difficult thing to deal with and I've only came to terms about writting this because you deserve to know why you where seperarated from your sister and I all these years.

I guess I should start at the beginning of our story with the day we met. It was on the Hogwarts train in my first year. My brother, your uncle where going up the train to find an empty compartment to sit in. All the others where full. But there was a compartment that held only one person. Your mother. You could say it was love at first sight when I laid eyes on her. How cheesy it may be. We got on well and she asked if we could be friends. I was ecstatic about the idea and told her I would live that.

Unfortunately things didn't go to well once the sorting took place. Hattie never told me her last name and I didn't know it until she was called up to the chair. Carrow. A name everyone knew. It wasn't a surprised that the hat placed her in slytherin. Compared to me, I was placed in Gryffindor like the rest of my family. It didn't stop us being friends. She was the kindest person you would ever meet. Unlike the rest of her family. Although she did love to pull pranks on other students, much like you sister does every now and then. But if anyone teased or bullied those she cared about her temper was scary. Our meetings were in secret until they slowly started to stop.

The order asked me to join them and I did which meant your mother and I where likely not friends anymore. We started having disagreements about everything. Talks and rumours about Hattie began to spread around the school. Rumours that she would be joining the ranks of deatheaters. After all it would be no surprise since the rest of her family were all deatheaters themselves.

One night I received a letter from Hattie. Asking if I could meet her in the forbidden forest. It was awkward at first since I hadn't talked to her in months but for her it was a relief. That night she spilt everything to me. How she didn't want to be a deatheaters and it was the other side she wanted to fight with. I suggested that we should speak to Albus about the situation. Summer was nearing and there wasn't much time before her ceremony took place.

Albus told her that she should join us. Become a double agent. A spy. She agreed to take the role with hesitation of course. The other members weren't too fund about having her. They couldn't trust her since she was a Carrow. But the days went on and soon we were finishing high school.

The boy who lived. Harry Potter. I'm sure you've heard the stories about him. How someone tried to kill him but he survived. Fluer seems to find the story 'amazing' as she says. James Potter and his wife Lilly Evans were murdered trying to protect there son. Investigations went on for weeks and soon the ministry came to the conclusion that your mother was the murder. No one knew where she was that night. She disappeared months earlier without a word to anyone. That is way it was easy to frame her for it. When she returned she wasn't alone. Two baby girls were sleeping beside there mother. You and your sister. She confronted me. Telling me I was your father and that she couldn't tell me much of the time she was gone.

With no solid evidence that she murdered the Potters the ministry declared that she was a danger to the wizarding world. Banished and her wand broken she left the wizarding world without any magic. On her last night we agreed that I would take your sister and she you. Hattie told me that she couldn't sense any magic from you and therefore belonged with her. It broke both of our hearts that we would never see each other again. A deal we nade to keep our small family safe. She had to leave behind the only world she knew and her other daughter with the man she loved.

My dearest Freya believe me when I say this but I know your mother is innocent and was framed for this crime. Unfortunately I can't prove it as there is no evidence or witnesses to prove where she was on that night. Someday I do hope the truth come out and that Hattie is proven not guilty. This also brings me to saying that I believe your mother's death was no accident

Please don't think any differently of your mother and I. She really did love you.

I love you always

Your father.

Freya read over the letter she received last night as she sat on her bed. She still couldn't believe what she was reading. All her life she knew her mother was keeping secrets. The little box she kept locked away proved it. Freya also knew that her mother was innocent and that whatever was in that box held the answers to everything. All night she tossed and turned not being able to sleep. A trip to her old home was in order but she was going to need help. By Christmas she would have answers. Before falling asleep she wrote back to her father to let him know she received his letter.

As the days passed by Freya continued to improve in her subjects as well as figure out what she was going to do. She hasn't been back to the house since her mother died. Entering the potions classroom everyone was already in there seats. Taking her place in the middle of the room she listened to the instructions that were being given.

Watching Miss Hardbroom was starting to become a habit she liked. Not being able to concentrate properly when she was near sent little butterflies in her stomach. Everything about the teacher was perfect. She was beautiful. An idea came to me. I kept watching the teacher. At the end of class I stayed behind "Miss Hardbroom" I said as I neared her desk. She looked up from her work "Is everything alright Freya?" She asked "I was just wondering if you could help me with something" I said. She put down her pen which indicated that she was listening. So I sat down on the other side of the desk and told her what I needed to do. She was very understanding and agreed to go with me. I thanked her before leaving for my next class with her still on my mind. These feelings I have seem to be getting more stronger everyday that it's becoming unbearable. Oh how I could just kiss her right now.

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