Chapter 1

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Nicole POV
Yay my fave btr song nothing even matters is playing on the radio. Radio: for the second person to call they'll get backstage passes and vip tickets to the btr concert for up to 7 people. Radio: hello what is your name my name is Nicole. Radio: congratulations you just won.
Omg I can't believe it I need to tell my brother and friends. I'm gonna skype them today anyways. I go to my computer and set up my webcam and call Megan and Evan and Samantha.
Hey what up bestie
Hey Nicole
Guys I just got btr tickets and I'm taking my awesome friends and their family with me along with my brother.
Uh ok and I think I'm speaking for everyone when i say that.
Bye guys.

Samantha POV
Then my call with Nicole ended I know it's tonight but I don't want to go out. But if it makes Nicole happy then I will. But what do I wear because I have a big time crush on Kendall. Ugh what am I saying he wouldn't go for someone like me even though I actually met him personally. I grab my pillow and scream into it.

At the sound check

Kendall POV
Why am I so distracted right now? This is abnormal for me and the others are starting to notice that and I don't know how to explain myself without them knowing I have a crush on a fan who I met on accident. She probably doesn't like me back and it's driving me insane.
An hour had passed and we have a couple hours of spare time to spend relaxing I decided to use the time to figure this situation out but the thing is that I think James knows and he also wants her. This so complicated and I tried talking to the other two and they said to leave them out of this love triangle.

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