Chapter 9

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Carlos POV
We all went one at a time to shower but I went with Samantha and waited outside for her. When we were all back down there he grabbed Nicole and Megan by the hair and pulled them to that little room. I heard 2 screams and closed my eyes and slid down the wall. Hawk carried them out and grabbed my wrists and I tried to fight but I was mentally and physically drained. This time he went too far and nearly killed me. He locked me in that room away from everyone else. Ok I can do this I do need some time to clear my head and relax my body cause I haven't slept in a few days and I'm so exhausted. The days start to blend together I think we've been down here for about a month now. Hawk comes in and he starts to whip me and before long my back is covered in blood. He leaves for a little bit to go get the camera and bring the others and do it to them also. Samantha looks at me terrified but I can do anything I'm tied down the other 3 girls start to back away but he grabs them and slams them into the wall and they yelp and he begins to beat them and kick them in the chest and stomach to the point they can't breathe and they just lay there eyes closed trying to breathe. The other boys were also tied down next to me and I could tell they were scared tears were glistening their eyes.

Evan POV
I looked at the others and Samantha was to afraid to move. My sister and her friends were struggling to breathe. Carlos looks at me and the other boys and I can tell he's blaming himself for this but it's not his fault. Hawk starts to cut us and we scream in pain and hawks got this wicked smile on his face when we scream and I just then notice the video camera. I think to myself  wishing that Kendall Logan and James would bust through that door and get us out of here.

Logan POV
We were watching the new video hawk sent Kendall and it go to the point where I hugged Kendall and buried my face in to his hoodie and silently cried and James tried to comfort and reassure me that we we're going to find them. I felt Kendall rubbing circles on my back. I let go and looked at them and they knew that I really cared about them.

Kendall POV
I've never seen Logan break down like that it's unexpected and made me want to find them even more. James was tracking the texts to an old house in the rural areas of Norman. We went to find them at around 7 am .

Authors note
Comment vote and share this was hard to write but I managed to write it. I'm taking  a little break for a few days so I'll update probably around Saturday.

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