Chapter 7

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Samantha POV
Ok so let me get this straight you tried to save us but caught way to go hero. I'm Samantha and the blonde haired girl is Megan and the youngest is Ashley. The girl that is beside you is Nicole and the boys are David who is the dark haired boy and Evan who has dirty blonde hair and his brother Dylan who has brown hair like his sister Ashley and their twins. Me and Megan are both an only child. I'm getting kinda hungry and I don't think we're gonna get food anytime soon.

Third person POV
They all get to know each other and the boys become very close friends. Carlos starts to get protective of the four girls and Megan started singing a big time rush song to lift the mood but hawk slapped her and they were taken to an old house and brought down to a cellar there were eight beds four with pink and lavender bedding and four with blue and gray bedding. They looked at each other and Carlos grabbed Nicole's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze and Nicole smiles at Carlos.

Megan POV
Where are we this is a little frightening and proof that we won't get out of here anytime soon. I go over to one of the beds and lay down trying to think and figure out how to escape. The slap I got still hurts what does he want with us? A few hours had passed everyone else fell asleep and I was alone with my thoughts. Dylan was snuggled up against Carlos I tried not to laugh because it was kinda funny. I don't know if we have our phones anymore but I wished I did.

Carlos POV
He grabbed me and Samantha and dragged us to this little room he tied me to a table and Samantha to a chair with a cloth in her mouth. Hawk really gets on my nerves sometimes but I can't do anything without him hurting them. I was really tired and had no idea what time it was. I felt a knife dig into my arm and I bit my lip not to scream out in pain I saw he had a camera to record this probably to send to my friends. He cut my cheek and I felt something to my back and it was very warm to the point it hurt and I screamed in pain he looked happy to see me like this. I closed my eyes and he injected me with adrenaline and while I was asleep he stabbed my side and beat Samantha for fun. He started to punch me in the face. He brought me back to the main room where everyone else was. Samantha was still with him. I blacked out and when I came to I couldn't really speak it came out as a groan. Everyone else looked at me worried and tried to get me to rest but I wouldn't I had to know if Samantha was okay.

Samantha POV
I was in this room he was torturing Carlos then he started beating me and pulled off his belt to whip me with it and it hurt so bad I was crying and my back was all bloody and then he threw me against the wall and punched me and kicked me in the stomach. I saw Carlos laying on one of the beds then I collapsed.

Authors note
This was so hard to write I was feeling the pain as I was writing this chapter so I hope you guys don't mind not having a chapter for a few days but I'll update soon.

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