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"Quiet down!"

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"Quiet down!"

Mrs Eun's loud voice echoed the whole classroom, making the students to flinch a little bit including you.

It was the end of school time and everyone was waiting impatiently for Mrs Eun sudden announcement.

Of course, there were some of them that were not satisfied to stay longer at school but it was Mrs Eun herself.

Don't listen to her? Then you are dead.

Mrs Eun was a scary teacher, that's what you always heard anyways even thought you didn't think so.

Actually, Mrs Eun had always been your favourite teacher since she treated you nicely most of the time.

Probably because you always scored high in Mrs Eun's subject.


That was obviously why.

"Let's make this quick."

Mrs Eun placed her arms on the teacher's desk as she was eyeing everyone one by one.

"Don't get too excited."

Mrs Eun turned her head towards the front door of the class, which was at her right side.

Everyone curiously followed her eyes that was looking at the door.

"Come in."

As Mrs Eun said those words, the door was slowly opened from the outside, making the whole class more curious.

When the door was wide opened, silent squeaks could be heard by you from the girls while the boys remained their bored look.

The boys didn't even try look a bit interested.

The person step in the class while plastering a big smile on their face.

It was a guy to be more exact.

The guy bowed slightly to Mrs Eun before turning their body to face the class.

He seems like a good guy to me.

You shrugged your shoulders, feeling a bit uninterested about the new guy.

"This guy right here will become your classmate for the remaining months."

Mrs Eun turned to the guy again before telling him to introduced himself.

The guy nodded at Mrs Eun while still having his smile before waving his hand to the class.

He was a cheerful guy it looked like. You also noticed a band aid under his eye but didn't think much.

He probably scratched them somewhere.

The Time I Remember ✧ Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now