The End!

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Finally after like 5 months, the story has ended! Woo this feels good! But I'm kinda sad too😪😪

What do you all think about this book?

If you didn't understand the ending, then read this phrase,

Psychopath can't be cured.

That means when Aeri said she changed, it was actually just an act. Boom wow mind blown😆 jk

The ending will probably frustrate a lot of people though, so sorry!😂 I'm sorry if the story isn't that good or if you didn't even understand the whole plot! This was my first book and I worked so hard to write it good. Even though the story might be lacking in some aspects, I apologize to you readers and will try my best to do a better job in the future!😇😇 So yeah, this was Dodo, your favourite author(jk), Bye!❤💜 See ya in another book!

And sincerely, thank you for reading this cringy book. I really really appreciate it💗💖


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