Chapter 11:State Championship Week

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It was Thursday night parents were bringing the players and cheerleaders. Winnie and James picked up Maisie cause her mom had to work. Bucky carried his bag and her bag to the JV bus.

"Check in with your coaches please." Fury said

They both got checked in with their coaches then boarded the bus. They found their assigned seat. He let her sit down first then he sit down.

"I don't know why they want to leave so late. Its going to take us awhile to get there." Maisie said

"Maybe they want to beat traffic." He said as he found his headphones in his letterman's jacket she was wearing.

He put one ear bud in her ear and the other one in his. He interlaced their fingers and they went to sleep. Parents followed behind including James and Winnie. Sam seen them sleeping and holding hands.

"What happened to Barnes? They use to hate each other growing up. Now its like a new person has taken over his body" Sam said

"I don't know. He hasnt really talked about it." Steve said as he was sitting in the seat across from him.

Once they finally arrived in Athens. They all got their room keys once they all got checked in. Bucky and Maisie found their room.

""Which bed do you want?" He said

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""Which bed do you want?" He said

"Um perferably not the one by the window." She said

"Okay..Ill take it." He said

"Buck I was joking. I thought.." she said but he cut her off.

"I know. But I don't want us to get in trouble. This isnt like at my house." He said

"Okay." She said

She got changed then laid down in her bed. She put her back to him when she did. "Maisie .." he said

"Im tired I just want to go back to sleep." She said

He sighed.

He climbed in her bed and cuddled her. "If we get in trouble I will tell them you had a bad dream" he said

The next morning all the boys were called down for an early breakfast. After that they headed to the stadium for their light practice for the regional game. While the cheerleaders had a girls day out. Coach Cooper set them up with a day at the spa full of massages mud baths and facials and waxing.

Bucky came in not to long after the girls came back. He seen her laying on her bed looking traumatized. "Maisie?" He said

"Hey.." she said

He laid beside her "Are you okay?" He said

"No I am not okay..Coach Cooper was all you girls get a girls day out. She took us to a spa where we got facials mud baths massages...and waxed" she said

"Like your legs and eye brows?" He said

"Oh everything got waxed. My lady parts included and it hurt. Like more than my piercing on my belly button." She said

" Im sorry." He said

"Nobody has ever seen my lady parts. Im still a virgin and I felt so violated. And Im pretty sure Im the only one cause nobody else was walking like they were in pain." She said

"Maisie its alright," he said

"Like how am I suppose to cheer tonight when it felt like my lady parts had been ripped off." She said

"Maisie can we talk about something else." He said

"Im sorry..anyways um can I ask you a question?" She said

"Yeah as long as its not about your lady parts." He said

"Its not. Why did you leave after 4th grade?" She said

"Oh we got transferred to Nevada then to Texas and Brussels. Before here we were at Fort Jackson." He said

"Did something happen to make you not be a bully anymore?" She said

He chuckled "My mom put me in therapy. I have two older brothers and a older sister. One of my older brothers Bradley was already in the military when I lived here. He died when I was 4. Thats when I started to lash out and become a problem child. So my dad thought therapy would be good for me. He told them to put me in extra curricular stuff. To have a place for my anger to be released in a different way as oppose to on someone else." He said

""Oh" she said

They took a nap had dinner sent to their room. After they all ate dinner they loaded up buses for the regional game.

The varsity boys played hard keeping a 5 point lead. But the team was ruthless especially after the second half started. During the last minute of the game the varsity quarter back went to run the fumbled ball.

He was tackled from both sides but another team mate picked up the ball and scored the winning touch down. But there was no celebration as Lincoln Thomas the quarterback wasnt moving.

Everyone took a knee as he was carried off on a stretcher. "Oh fuck me." Bucky whispered.

Coach Thomas came over to him "You better get some sleep tonight Barnes we will get you state ready in the morning." He said

"Yes sir" Bucky said

The next morning they were all eating breakfast when Fury said " Lincoln a junior in high school. His football days were over as he was paralyzed from the waist down. Barnes finish up we have a lot of work to do."

"Yes sir" he said

Maisie stopped him "what does he mean?" She said

"Im the 2nd string quarter back for Varsity." He said in her ear.

She swallowed hard "Maisie breathe its alright." He said

"But you can get hurt too" she said as she dumped her breakfast and went upstairs.

She locked herself in their room she told coach that she had a headache so she didnt have to go to the nail salon. The game started at 6 all the girls met them at the stadium. Bucky busted ass all night long proving that he may be a freshmen but he knew what the hell he was doing.

Everytime he took a tackle Maisie's heart dropped to her stomach. By the time the game was over they won State. Bucky scored the winning touch down.

They were all so tired that they didnt even want to celebrate the game went into over time twice. It was almost 11 so they all passed out once they got back to the hotel.

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