Chapter 14: A Long Awaited Homecoming

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James was in his home office he apologized to Bucky for lying to him. Bucky wasn't ready to forgive him but he was able to make things right with Maisie.

She was watching the boys mess around at Steve's barn as they played. James got a phone call while he was sitting in his home office.

"Col Barnes. We have men coming home that was stationed there at your base. A lot of POWs are finally coming home. We don't know names yet but they have been missing for three years. We just know that according to their tags what infantry they were part of. Unfournately some are coming home in a box." General Rhodes said

"Okay..what do you need from me?" James said

"I want to give them a celebration to come home too. But I am not exactly sure of what to do." General said

"Well we work closely with the base here in Savannah. We can have a celebration here most of the families that I have talked to of the missing are from here in Georgia. We can even have a band play." James said

"What band is going to squeeze in a last minute concert?" General said

"Well my son has a band they do alot of covers its just him and his friends." James said

"All of his friends military brats?" He said

"Um no all of them but two are. Would you prefer it to be military brats?" James said

"Yeah not to sound mean. But it just could hold alot more meaning to the soldiers coming home." General said

"Okay I will have my wife and her few of her army wife friends help her put it all together and I will talk to my son." James said

"Okay talk to you soon" the general said and hung up.

James booked it to Rogers farm. He ran inside "Dad?" Bucky said

"I need to know who all here is a army brat?" James said

Maisie stood up "Im one." She said confused.

Sam said "Im one too but my dad has been missing awhile.."

Steve and Clint both said "Ditto"

Natasha said "Im one."

"Maisie can you sing and play?" James said

"Um I um well I..yes" Maisie said

"Dad what is going on?" Bucky said

"Okay so I just got off the phone with the General. He has informed me that there is about to be 4 different companies bringing home POWs. Some are wounded some didnt make it so there will be some in a box. But regardless he wants a big celebration for them they have been missing three years. They dont have all their names yet but they are coming home. I told him about your band he asked if it was all military brats cause he said that would be better." James said

"Dad.." Bucky stepped off their stage.

"Son I know you hate the military but I .." Bucky said

"I will do it. Not for you but for her." Bucky said as he pointed to Maisie.

She wiped tears.

"Lets put together a set list boys..Scott and Wanda you all may stay but you can take a break..make sure we give her not to many cause I don't want to push her." Bucky said as he pulled her up on the stage.

James started to make more phone calls as he left. For the next three weeks they practiced in the barn. It was the day of the show Maisie and Natasha went and got their nails and hair done. Wanda did their make up for them.

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