Chapter 17: Bucky Gets Sworn In

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-Three years later-

It was the morning of Bucky's 19th birthday. Maisie was eating her oatmeal as she breast fed their 1 month old daughter Hadley Josephine. Maisie was less than thrilled that this was still happening.

Bucky wasn't happy about it either but he has chosen to accept his fate. He came up with their son "There's mama." He said as he went to kiss her but got her cheek inside.

"Maisie.." he whispered.

She got up after Hadley finished eating. She gave Brody his oatmeal and went to go downstairs. Bucky swallowed hard then followed her.

"Maisie.." he said as he found her in their bedroom.

She looked down. He walked over to her and lifted her chin. "Baby I know that you are upset but there is nothing I can do. I have already signed all the paperwork and I have to be sworn in today. So please be my loving supportive wife and mother to be kids baby." He said

"Yeah.." she said as a tear drop fell.

Bucky wiped it with his thumb. "I love you Maisie." He said

"Yeah love you too." She said

She walked away to go take a shower while Hadley took her morning nap. Bucky looked down at her "Mama is not happy is she my sweet baby girl." He whispered as Hadley slept.

They all loaded up in their cars and drove to the capital. Maisie had Hadley in a baby bjorn bouncing her. Brody holding her hand as well as James' hand.

Bucky was waiting for his turn. He looked at Brody and it brought him back to the time when his brothers were sworn in. He remembered standing there with his parents just like his son.

Maisie watched as her husband was sworn in. She had the same feeling she had when she watched her two older brothers get sworn in. She felt sick as her stomach started to churn.

After it was all over she went to the bathroom. She broke in the bathroom Lydia came in. "Baby you cant do this." She whispered.

"Why?..Why does my life have to be planned out for me? Yes I love him but Im told when to pop out babies and how to act. Now my husband just swore his life away." She said as she cried as Lydia hugged her.

She helped her fix her make up then they went to dinner. Maisie stayed quiet the rest of the day. That night she fell asleep after sex Bucky cried in the shower.

After his shower he went upstairs to the kitchen. He got a water Winnie stopped him. "James baby..what is wrong?" She said

"Its nothing mom." He said

"You have been crying. Your eyes are red baby whats the matter?" Winnie said

"Im scared. Im scared Im gonna lose Maisie mom. She didn't want this neither did I. But in the last three years I have learned that. There is no changing dad's mind." Bucky said

"Baby.." Winnie said

"So I gave him a grandson. So did Brantley and Bradley. The Barnes name is secured right. Doesnt matter what it has cost him or fucking grandpa right mom. As long as Barnes is still around." Bucky said as he got angrier and went back to the basement.

Winnie swallowed hard and looked down. She wiped tears as she started to cry her son was right. She sucked it up and went to bed.

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