Chapter 12: Their Military Families

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A week after winning state Bucky waited at her locker till the bell rang for 1st period. He texted her "where are you darlin?"

"Im at home. Its a bad day for me I didn't feel like being around people." She replied back.

"Darlin what's wrong? Im coming over you have me worried. Ill be over soon as I can get out of here my darlin." He replied back.

Bucky made sure nobody was paying attention. He snuck out of one of the side doors then walked home. His dad's truck was gone so he went through the back gate and got his dirt bike.

Bucky made his way to Maisie's apartment. Lydia's car was gone so he knew he was in the clear. He knocked on the door Maisie opened the door.

He hugged her when he saw her blue eyes were red. "Hey shh what ever it is you can tell me." He whispered.

They went up to her room he said "I figured you had all pink in your room"

He saw her bed and floor was covered in a pictures. In the corner of her room a keyboard sitting on the stand. It looked like it hadn't been touched in years. Then he saw a guitar case behind it.

"Maisie.." he said as he sat beside her.

"It's my daddy's and one of my older brother's birthday." She said in a low tone.

"Doll baby you have never mentioned siblings." He said

She wiped tears "I have three Im the baby and only girl. I have three older brothers. One died over seas when I was three. I have one that is helping them find the younger one as well as my dad. Its the younger one's birthday and my daddy's birthday. Kason is 23 today Jason is the middle he is 25 and then there is Mason he was 22 when he died. All the men in the family have to join. Its like that with my dad and moms family." She said as she sniffled and continued to wipe tears.

Bucky swallowed hard. "Maisie Im so sorry. You deal with it so much better than me. I was glad when my parents said we were coming back here to Savannah. I have two older brothers and a brother in law. Bradley I told you about but then there is Becca my sister she is 23 and Brantley is 21. My mom informed me two years ago that Brant and Becca's fiancee Cooper both started college after getting out of the military. But they dont come around for holidays. Bradley's wife comes around they had three kids. Two girls and a boy. The boy wasnt even born yet. Brantley has two boys and a little girl. Becca has four but that is because she has a set of a twins." He said

"Buck thats alot of babies for people in their early twenties." She said

"I know. Anyways um my family is the same way about tradition. All the men in my family have to join too." He said

"I have nieces and nephews too. Mason had two girls,Jason has three boys two of them are irish twins. And Kason has yet to be able to hold his son. Him and his fiancee Brianna had a wedding planned but that didnt happen it was his first deployment." She said

Bucky helped her pick up her pictures and put them back in her box. He laid down with her as they swaped stories of what they remember. Bucky had more stories than her.

They eventually fell asleep. Lydia came home to see his dirt bike outside the door. She went inside to find them asleep as he held her.

She texted Winnie who got a call at work that he skipped school. "I found him. He is with Maisie." She said

"Good. Thanks for letting me know" she said back.

Lydia started dinner as she checked her email for any thing of her husband or sons. The thought of losing another son or her husband scared her. She was trying to be strong for the rest of the family especially Maisie.

A Softer SideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang