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Sorry if this offence you I just need to get it off my chest
This is only my opinion
These are true btw

Always love yourself
Never forget that

Why do guys always be asshats?
Well most guys anyways
Me and my girl friend were dating some guys (not going to say there names)
Heres what happened.

Mine: we were dating for almost 1 month then he cheated on me for an entire week before he text me that he cheated on me and he told me what they did together and he cheated on me with a whore and now she cheated on him because of some rumors now he all upset about it because the rumors 'aren't true' and he 'loved her'

Bitch you said that to me to but you didn't mean it so you don't mean it now.

My friend: they were dating for about 2 to 3 months the guy dumped her for one of her friends then a couple of weeks later he came crawling back begging for her to take him back and that he still loved her and he misses her so they dated again for about 1 month then he cheated on her with the same girl again.

Bitch why you dating a girl to make another girl jealous all you doing is digging yourself a bigger whole for me to bury you in.

So tired of this shit just going to switch over to only dating girls at this rate.
I've never dated a girl that cheated on me.

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