Giant Gorg x Shadow knight reader

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Idk even know anymore. I'm just testing on how far my imagination can go. This is just a little experiment.

I just wanted to and here ya go merry Christmas! I hope yall enjoy my sorry excuse of a fanfiction lol

You turn into your shadow knight form ready to battle to protect your friends and your home but then a portal opens up in front of you. Dragging you into it and out in front of a cave.
"Hello. Is anyone here?! Aaron! Aphmau!" You yell out as you enter and abandoned cave or so you thought. You changed back to your human form, relaxing a bit more.

You walked into the cave and explored around for a few hours before you came across a giant blue robot and a tank. The robot did not move when you entered the cavern so you assumed it was powered down. You still turned into your shadow knight form just in case. You walked over to the tank to see if there was anyone inside
"Hello? Is anyone in here?" You say as you knock almost banging on top of the tank.
"Who is that?"
"I don't know"
"Open it Yuu" you hear people inside whisper to each other

The lach opens to reveal a young boy around 12 or 13 with black hair and eyes.
"Oh hello there young boy, who are you?"
"Wow... I've never seen a shadow knight in person!! This is so amazing. You look nothing like the pictures in the books!!" A man says that is dresses almost in the same way the boy is except he has orange hair says. He runs up to you examining you and touching you.

A distant memory came back. One that you wish you could forget but it always came back when someone started to touch you.
"Get away from me!" you yelled as your eyes started to glow a deep red, you backed up quite a bit away from them as you backed into the giant robots leg.

"Hey it's ok, it's ok were not going to hurt you" The boy said as he stepped slowly closer to you
"It's what they said to before they captured me and started to experiment on me...your lying just they them!!" You yelled out as you smacked the boy away from you sending him flying hard onto the floor.

"Are you ok Yuu?!" They yelled as they crowded around the boy then you heard a growl like sound behind you coming from the robot. You turn around and see his eyes glow red before turning to white as he stood up making you tumbler backwards onto the floor
"Gorg stop it was an accident!! She was scared!!" The robot stopped in its track as Yuu yelled that out, you could tell the robot was looking at you.
You looked up to Gorg's eyes then to Yuu

"Thank you.." you say as you turn back into your human form. You have l/s h/c and e/c eyes
"Woah" they all say at once
"This is Incredible!"
"Hey stay away from you old man! I dont want you Touching me!!" You yell out as he puts his hands up in the air and backs away

"So your name is Gorg" you say as you look back up to the blue giant.
"It's nice to meet you Gorg. I'm sorry for hitting Yuu. I was just....scared to be experimented on by humans again..." you say as his eyes flash a yellow then to a blue then back to white.
Gorg kneels down on one knee and places his hand onto the ground in front of you.

You waited a few seconds thinking everything over then got onto his hand and sat down. He lifted you up to his hight to get a better look at you.
"What? Why is he looking at me like that?" You say as you look to gorg then down to Yuu
"He want you to transformers back into your shadow knight form" Yuu says
"O-ok I guess" you say back turning into your shadow knight form as you turn towards Gorg.
"Woah" everyone below says as they stare up at you on amazement.
Gorg looks at you still not looking away once.
"Y-yes?" You mumbled out becoming nervous with every second he is looking at you.

He sets you down onto the ground and walks back to the where he was before he woke up. Then a portal opened up to your left as you churned  back into your human form.
"Y/n!!! Were so glad your ok" aphmau says as she comes running out out of the portal
"Aphmau!!" You say as you hug her
"You ready to head back home? We already finished the war and we won some of the other shadow knights helped us win!"
"I'm ready to go home and sleep for an eternity. I'm glad we won I will talk to the others later about what happened. I'm to tired at the moment" you say

"I get that come on let's go" aphmau says as she walks towards the portal
"Well it was fun meeting you guys even if it was only for a few minutes. Goodbye. Goodbye Gorg" you say as you and aphmau go through the portal together as it closes behind you both never going back.

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