overwatch Reinhardt x reader

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Always love yourself
Never forget that

"Reinhardt! s-stop" You started to laugh as he starts tickling you
"Never!" Reinhardt laughs as you laugh
Then he takes his guard down so you flip him over and sit on top of him holding him down and you start to tickle him back
"For revenge!"
"Nooo!" Reinhardt starts to laugh harder
"S-stop y/n p-please" reinhardt pleaded trying not to laugh
"Never!!" You laugh as you start to tickle him harder

He flips back over with you now on bottom again
You accidentally moan from quick movement
"I-I I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to do that it was an accident!" Reinhardt starts to apologize
"It's ok reinhardt, it was an accident, its fine just calm down"
"Let's go cuddle it is starting to get cold again"

"I love you y/n"
"I love you to Reinhardt"

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