Y/n's Backstory ⓈⒺⓃⓈⒾⓉⒾⓋⒺ

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TW: Physical Harm, Emotional/Mental/Physical Abuse, Sexual Assault, Murder, Suicide. (If I missed any, I'm sorry)
*This whole chapter requires as sensitive warning*

She's a girl who's only wish, was to have a normal life. That's the total opposite of what she got. There was an 'accident' that got her father (who worked at NASA and taught her LOADS of stuff while he was alive) killed when poor y/n was only 7. About 2 years after, when she was about the age of 9, her dear mother (who also worked at NASA. Both her parents taught little y/n things. Her mother continued to teach her daughter even after the death) couldn't take the stress anymore. So that night, on the anniversary of her fathers death, her mother killed herself using a knife, not knowing that y/n had witnessed it all. Now to what happened to her father 2 years prior. That 'accident' was no accident at all..........it was murder. The night her father died, y/n had woken up to yelling. Being her little curious self, she wondered down the steps to see what was happening. As she reached the last steps, she learned that the arguing was from the kitchen. She looked into the room and seen her aunt, mom, and dad all yelling. They never knew she was there. At one point little y/n heard her aunt yell something about needing more money, and when her parents denied to give y/n's mom's sister more money, she got angry. She grabbed a knife and stabbed y/n's dad right into the heart. Her mom was balling and her aunt was laughing like a maniac. Little y/n was too scared to speak so she just quietly ran into her room and stayed there. Then 2 years later her mom died too. Leaving y/n nowhere to go except to live with that monster of an aunt. Little did they know, her mom had a secret brother named Tommy that only y/n's parents and y/n knew about. He couldn't take custody of little y/n because no one knew they were family and y/n was to go to any living member of her family that excepted her but if no one could, THEN she would go into foster care where her REAL uncle could adopt her. But NOOOO, her aunt just HAD to take her. Her aunt was never caught as the murderous monster she is. She also doesn't know that y/n knows that she killed her dad. Not too long after though, her aunt married into LOADS of money. She turned into there little slave. Once a week, she has to go and switch the laundry from the BASEMENT. (A/n: Keep in your mind as you read that you hate basements because of what happens) While she's down there her 'uncle' would go down there too and lock the door. Let's just say that he would do things she didn't want him too. And of course her aunt knows what he does but she doesn't give a shit. Her actual uncle became her personal driver because he wanted to be able to look out for her without exposing his secret. Y/n tells her actual uncle everything so once he found out about what her 'uncle' does, he signing her up for self defense classes after the first time. After the first year she became the best in her class. She's been in self defense classes since the age of 9. She still takes the classes. She's 16 now. But the day she was going to camp, was the day her fake uncle 'branded' her. He didn't like the idea of his little 'toy', leaving for an entire summer. He wanted to make sure no one else had her. So that day, he took a knife and wrote the word "MINE" on her ankle. Now she has to wear boots, tall socks, or long pants just to cover it. They don't take her anywhere themselves, they just have her driver do it. They were only nice to her when they were all together in public with happened rarely. So this year her aunt didn't feel like dealing with her for a summer so she sent her off to 'Rim of the World' thinking it was some boot camp. That's were she will unexpectedly meet her new best friends and first REAL crush. She's had her first kiss and first time before but they weren't consensual. STUPID 'UNCLE'!!!!!!

Sorry for the sad backstory and all 😬😬😬😬😬 but anyway TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

Word count: 753

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