Story Time

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"I'm not ready to talk about it......can you help me?" You said then asked and she nodded understandingly and helped you wrap your ankle. You changed before heading out.

𝙽𝚘𝚠: 2nd person POV

"All right, you get on one side of Alex and you get on the other" Gabriel said pointing to Dariush and ZhenZhen. "And we'll get him up to speed." Gabriel said.

"What about me" you asked.

"You can just ride next to me if you want" he said and you nodded and gave him a smile which he returned. You all started walking and You were on the end next to Gabriel.

You seen ZhenZhen place a hand on Alex's arm and said "I won't let you fall."

You leaned in towards Gabriel and whispered "they are so cute together. Don't ya think" you asked and he nodded and mumbled "so are we" but you didn't hear him. "What was that? I couldn't hear you" you asked and he looked away while blushing.

"I-it was nothing. Let's go." He said and you all continued to walk. You reached the sign that told you where to go to get to LA. Everyone BUT Dariush went to LA but he lagged a little before caving in and following. You all got on our bikes and Dariush and ZhenZhen has a hand on Alex. He struggled at first but soon he started to actually ride a bike. You were all cheering for him and you stood up, let go of the handles and closed your eyes, just feeling the breeze. You felt eyes on you and when you opened your eyes you seen Gabriel staring at you which a smile. You smiled back at him.

"This is so much fun, you-" Alex was saying but he hit a stump and flew off the bike. You immediately got off your bike and ran to him.

"Are you ok Alex" you asked and everyone was checking to see if he's ok. He got up and looked out into the distance.

"Holy sh-" ZhenZhen was saying but she didn't finish.

"Yah like holy..." Dariush was saying but he, too looked out. You all looked out and seen LA on fire and ships battling above it.

"Shit" you finished.

"That's where we're going?" Dariush asked.

"Yup" You said.

{Los Angeles Basin. 68 Miles From JPL}

Aliens POV:
...............................[becomes alive again and walks over to his doggo]
~translation: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Back to 2nd person pov

You guys decided to walk instead of ride this time.


As you were walking, you noticed that everything was TORN UP and there was a teddy bear on the ground. Gabriel looked a little nervous so you walked over to him.

" okay?" You asked and you could hear the worry in your voice. He just smiled and said

"yah I'm fine" and you smiled back.

"There! Man this place is trashed. Looks empty." Dariush said.

"Guys, I don't.....Nobody's, uh......" Gabriel said trying to get everyone's attention. Once he did he said

"you guys go ahead. I'll just stay back and watch our bikes." Then Dariush scoffed.

"What! Oh, yeah, because the aliens wanna jack our mountain bikes." Dariush said. You looked over at Gabriel and it was clear that he didn't wanna go in.

"Yeah, I mean, looters could take 'em" you said.

"Yah y/n's right. Someone should stay and watch." Alex agreed.

"Ok. Well y/n, you should stay too." ZhenZhen said with a smirk.

"OH NO. You ain't leaving my girl out here with him, ALONE." Dariush said.

"First off I'm not your girl. Secondly.....ok" you said glancing at Gabriel. Dariush scoffed and said

"whatever man......DONT TOUCH HER!" Gabriel just put his hands up in surrender and you laughed. After everyone went inside, Gabriel sat down.

Your POV:

I walked over and sat by him. "What's wrong" you asked him. He looked at you with watery eyes and smirked.

"I'm guessing I don't really have a choice, huh?" He asked laughing a little.

"No, not really." You said and you both laughed and he looked down.

"When I was dad left. We didn't have much money so I got a job as a bag boy at the store my mom worked at. One day she stepped away from the cash register, so I took over. I was helping a customer and he accused me of stealing, I uh, I guess I gave him the wrong change.......I get numbers...muddled in my head sometimes, unless I see them written down. He didn't believe me. I didn't know what to do and I just lost it. I decked him. Broke his nose. Mom got fired, sent me away. Thats why I was in the mountains. I escaped juvie." He said not looking you in the eyes.

You lifted his face so he could look at you. You seen a tear drop down from his eye. For some reason you felt the need to wipe it away so you gently brought your hand up to his cheek and carefully whipped away the tear with your thumb. You gave him a slight smile and then gave him a bear hug. He laughed and instantly wrapped his arms around you.

"What about you. What happened to your ankle." He asked.

Possible TW

"Well, I mean, if we're sharing our backstories, might as well tell ya." You said and you both chuckled. "So I'm just gonna shorten the story a little and I can just tell you the full thing some other time ok?" You said and he nodded. "When I was aunt killed my dad with a knife in front of me but no one ever knew I was there. 2 years mom committed suicide by slitting her throat with a knife. Also not knowing I was there and I seen that happen too. I had nowhere to go so I was forced to live with my killer aunt.....then she got married to some rich dude. And one day.........I um...." you tried to speak the rest, but tears were starting to form. "I have to go to our basement once a week to switch laundry or something. Every time.....he goes down there and he.......h-.......let's just say I'm not a virgin." You said and his eyes widened. "It happens about once a week. When he found out that I was leaving for the summer....he didn't like that. He didn't want anyone to 'have' me" You said making air quotes when you said 'have'. Gabriel places his hand in yours and intertwined your fingers. He gave you a reassuring nod as if to say to continue. "So h-he got out his pocket knife a-and carved the word 'MINE' into m-my ankle." At this point you were crying. He gave you a tight hug that seemed to last forever. After he pulled away he carefully wiped your tears like you did for him. You two just stared into each other's eyes. (A/n: sorry if it's sappy and stuff.) He started to lean in towards you and you did the same. A few seconds felt like a few hours, but soon enough, your lips collided. You stayed like that until you both needed air. He rested his forehead on yours and you both were grinning like maniacs. You two sat back down and stayed there until everyone came back. Once they got back you all hopped back onto the bikes and rode on the road.

Hey....................ONTO THE NEXT ONE


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