Gone Down Mountian

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Warning: A slight change has been made in the backstory!!! Both of her/your biological parents, worked at NASA and that's how they met.

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"Oh my god, it's Independence Day" Gabriel said, referring to the movie. "It's June, Gabriel" Dariush said not realizing the reference.


"Oh, wait, maybe North Korea's invaded! ZhenZhen call it off" Dariush yelled at ZhenZhen. I somehow managed to get out of Gabriel's grasp, sadly. I walked over and punched Dariush in the arm.

"Racist Bitch" I yelled in his ear for extra effect. ZhenZhen also glared at him. I walked back to where I was standing before but, sadly, Gabriel didn't place his hands on me this time 'Guess he doesn't feel the need to protect me at this moment' I thought to myself before mentally laughing.

"Ok. We just need to wait here until the adults realize they left us and come back." Alex said.

"Uhhh what if they never come back." I cautiously state.

"I'm gonna die here with 3 losers and the SEXIEST woman in the universe." Dariush yelled, still freaking out. I just scoffed and glared at him. He then continued his rant.

"I never even had sex before!" He then immediately stopped. We all gave him grossed out looks. ESPECIALLY me. "I'ma clear that up. I had sex......I had sex before, I mean.....I haven't had sex with two girls at once. That's what I meant........Hey uh y/n wan-" he said but I interrupted.

"HELL no dude! Not even if the world depended on it" I said and I heard Gabriel laugh. I tried, but failed, to suppress a smile. Dariush then continued to rant about something then Gabriel put a hand on Dariush's shoulder.

"All right, hey, look. We're not gonna die! It's probably just a forest fire." Gabriel said and I added.

"We got to get going, bears out here I can be crazy."

Dariush then shoved Gabriels hand off his shoulder and said " Whoa! Whoa! Ok, slow your roll. Did you say bears? I don't do so well with bears, man. I'm not trying to get DiCaprio'd up in here!"

I rolled my eyes and said " Look, no one does well with bears."

Dariush then said "Oh, whoa. Uh......ask Werner Herzog. Grizzly Man lived with those things for years, so check that out." He said and I just scoffed.

"Did you watch the end of that movie?" Gabriel asked him and I laughed causing him to send smile towards me which I returned.

"Did I watch.....Yeah, I watched....No, I didn't." Dariush said.

"No, Dude. Okay, stop. Gabriel and y/n are right. Black bears are opportunistic carnivores. We're not gonna survive the wilderness through the night" Alex said and I sent him a 'thank you' look and he nodded.

"Then let's go! Come on!" Dariush yelled. We started running and eventually made it back to camp. Smoke was everywhere and we could barely see until it all, slowly, blew away. We started to scream to see if anyone was there.

"Yo, what's that?" I asked as we approached some sort of sign.

"Gone down mountain.......Oh, they left us!" Dariush shouted.

Gabriel then turned and seen something that causes him to yell, "Not all of them!" We turned to see that
Someone was laying on a bench table.

"Huh? It's Heavy Metal Conrad." Dariush said. Everyone ran over to him, screaming his name. We tried to wake him up but it didn't work.

"Is he dead" I asked worriedly. I've seen too many people die. Gabriel checked his pulse.

"He's breathing. He must have slept through the evacuation." He said.

"Okay, what kind of asshole sleeps through an evacuation?" Dariush asked.

"This kind" I said. They continued to try and wake him up. ZhenZhen then picked up his flask that said milk on it, gathering everyones attention. She took a gulp before handing it to me and I chugged the rest of it. Gabriel smirked at me, ever so slightly. It was barley noticeable but I noticed it.

"I don't think that....that was milk." Dariush said.

"Nope. But it was pretty strong so that's probably what kept him asleep." I said nonchalantly like it was nothing. They just shrugged it off and we ran to the mess hall and Gabriel tried the landline.

"Lines' dead" he said. I heard flicks coming from behind me and turned to see that Alex tried the lights.

"It's cause the powers out." Alex said.

"You know what an EMP is?" I asked.

"Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's that music white people dance to." Dariush said. Alex answered before I could.

"No, that's EDM!"

I then said "EMP stands for electromagnetic pulse. A nuclear explosion in the upper atmosphere can cause one. And it knocks out most electronics, over a really big area." I said calmly while walking over to ZhenZhen and watching as she fills her bag.

"What does that mean" Dariush asked.

"It means nothing works" Alex said, still a little shocked that I knew all that.

"Not even.....cars?" Dariush asked.

"Most don't, but some of the old ones do. Other than that.....Nothing" I said everyone looked at me and I just shrugged.

"Well you guys have food and a roof over your head. You could do a lot worse than staying here and waiting this out." Gabriel said.

"Wait, waiting what out?" Dariush asked. We then heard EVEN MORE explosions. We ran outside and towards the lake.

"Those are F-22 Raptor air superiority fighters" Alex said.

"What the hell are those ships, there fighting?" Gabriel questioned.

"I've never seen anything like them." me and Alex said at the same time. We both laughed but were interrupted by the aircrafts flying above us and shooting at us. I've had plenty of experience with running away from something. so I am pretty damn fast. Dariush was yelling to 'hurry up' and 'go,go,go' things like that. There was a big explosion in front of us, causing us to go flying back. I, somehow, landed on top of Gabriel. His hand, somehow, landed right above my ass. We both blushed and I quickly got up and helped him up too. Everyone else got up and we looked at the scene happening in front of us.

Heyyyy another chapter done. I got to get up early in the morning 😒😒😒 so I should sleep. But if you read this after the next chapter is out then for you it's ON TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!


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