WARNING: Lots of this chapter is a makeout scene!!!!! Sorry 🤷‍♀️

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Dariush and Alex headed toward the room where Alex and ZhenZhen would share a bed, and Dariush would have his own. Gabriel, however, headed down the hall from that, and into the room where Y/n was located.


The moment he stepped into the room, butterflies flew around his stomach. You lied there, attempting to sleep. Eyes shut tight but mind racing. You were unaware that it was Gabriel who was in the room, and you tried you best not to look, in fear that it was Dariush and he would see you awake.

"Hey, Y/n? Are you asleep?" Gabriel softly questioned.

Once you recognized the voice you shot up. Your sudden action made you dizzy, but also made you and Gabriel laugh.

He crawled into the bed space next to you. Soon, the two of you were side by side. You both laid down on the bed and you looked up at him, only to see him already staring back down at you.

"Are we not gonna talk about what happened earlier?" You asked.

"I mean, we can. What is there to talk about?" He responded.

You sat up and gave him a 'are you that dumb' look.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe the fact that we were making out in the middle of an alien invasion?" You questioned him.

"I mean.....if you wanna do that again, I'm cool with it." He said causing you to chuckle and playfully hit his arm.

(Cringy ass conversation time)

"What are we, Gabriel?" You asked.

"What do you mean?" He responded.

"I mean, are we just two strangers making out in the middle of an alien invasion, or something more?" You asked.

Gabriel smirked and asked, "Are you asking if your my girlfriend now?"

"I mea-" you were cut off by his lips on yours.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked you. Instead of giving him a verbal answer, you just kissed him.

"Does that answer your question?" You asked after you both pulled apart.

"No, I think you should answer it again." Gabriel stated. You smiled and kissed him again.

My Escape (ROTW Gabriel x Reader) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now