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"Your enjoying this aren't you" Gabriel asked in a whisper down your neck.

"No..........Maybe a little.........or a lot" you replied laughing and he playfully glared at you so you ruffled his hair causing him to laugh. Soon the realization sunk in. "We gotta let 'em in!" Both you and Gabriel shouted.

𝙽𝚘𝚠: 2nd person POV

"No. What are you two doing? 'Let them in.' No!" Dariush said and you glared at him again. You and Gabriel started pressing buttons but Dariush pulled you away while 'accidentally' grabbing your ass. You pushed him against the wall, ready to punch him, but then you heard noises coming from outside the capsule.

"Alex, you're welcome. I put he dog on fire for you guys! And Gabriel was selfish and he didn't help at all." Dariush yelled.

"What about me asshole" you scoffed while glaring at him.

"Oh, baby, all you have to do is ge-" he started but you punched him in the arm. He started to hold his arm and wince. Did I mention that your really strong. You then figured out a way to open the door and you pushed Dariush outta there. You then, somehow, graciously got out and was then followed by Gabriel.

"I think we got it" Gabriel said and you smiled at him and he smiled back. You all then slowly walked over to the crispy alien. You were then spotted by the big alien and you ran away from it. While running you noticed that Gabriel wasn't next to you so you turned around and seen him on the ground. You ran over to him and helped him up. He grabbed your hand and you two ran with your hands intertwined together.

While running, Dariush yelled "At what point do we trip ZhenZhen, and keep running?" You sent ANOTHER glare at him and your hand was still locked with Gabriel's. Luckily no one realized that your ankle was bleeding, but then again, neither did you. The alien caught up to you all and knocked you to the ground but your hands stayed together. You were next to Gabriel and he sensed your fear so he started to stroke your hand with his thumb saying it'll be ok. The alien the sprayed Dariush with its gunk then stuck a spiky looking tube thingie down his throat. You couldn't watch anymore so you squeezed your eyes shut.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. Look at me." Gabriel whispered in a calm voice so you looked over at him.

He had a reassuring smile and said "Everything's going to be ok. YOU will just fine. Ok?" You nodded and smiled back at him. Then outta nowhere, an aircraft flew by and shut up the alien. After you all scrambled to your feet, you gave Gabriel a huge hug and mumbled a "thank you" into his chest.

"I didn't sign up for this shit, man" Dariush complained.

"This can't be real" Gabriel said while you all started running again. "What about this isn't real? He just sneeze-jizzed all over us!" Dariush yelled.

My Escape (ROTW Gabriel x Reader) {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now