Chapter 1

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A small flicker of light on the TV spread across the room like a flashlight. Todoroki sat waiting for his father, his grey and blue eyes shining vibrantly against the glow of the TV. An eruption of flames and warmth signalled Todoroki to turn around,
"Shoto!" His father's voice boomed against the silence of the room as he sat down at his solid oak desk.
"Y-yes Endeavor." His reluctance to call him dad always angered Enji.
"It seems you've finally accepted your full potential." Shoto snarled at his father's comment, disappointed in himself 'I'm going to beat you only using my left side.'  Why had Midoriya egged him on like that? Why'd he give up the fight fo--his thoughts were interrupted abruptly by his father's voice yet again, ever since he'd turned into a villain, desperate to defeat #1 hero All Might, Todoroki had been getting all the crap from his father.

"I have a mission for you." Todoroki looked up warily, he didn't want to follow in his father's footsteps, yet it seemed like that's what his father wanted him to do. He, however, wanted to become a hero.
"What?" He replied quietly with hesitation.
"That boy, Izuku Midoriya, is it?" Shoto's ears pricked up, Midoriya. The one who cheered him on during his fight with Bakugou and helped him forget about his past to use his power fully. He thought back to the moment, the determination in Midoriya's eyes as he shouted at Todoroki when he was at his weakest. 'It's your power isn't it?!' and the burst of vibrant vermillion and crimson colours erupting like a volcano from his right side.
"Yes. He's in my class. Why?" He looked straight into the cold eyes of his father, them only showing pure sadistic intent, and a smirk crept up on his face slowly. He looked over to the TV, light still flickering and bouncing off the walls of the room. It was his fight with Midoriya at the UA Sports Festival.

"Don't you think his power seems a lot like All Might's?" The villain Endeavour sneered at Todoroki, his hands clasped together, as he turned back and looked at Shoto for an answer.
He cast his mind back to before their fight. He'd asked Midoriya the same question. He looked back at his father, eyes tearing away from the screen. Replaying the fight that had happened only days beforehand. The flames of his father's power danced around his face, as Todoroki nodded a simple yes.
"Great." He smiled fully now, a glint in his eye. He was excited. "That's wonderful." He started chuckling to himself. Todoroki felt awkward sitting there, what did he even want him to do?
"Okay it's set. I want you to get close with Midoriya. Make him tell you about his quirk, I believe his quirk was only registered just recently, meaning he must not of had one before, and seeing as he's so close to All Might, he must've done something.  Anything he says regarding his quirk you must report back to me, understand boy?"

Shoto clenched his fists, why did he want him to do this?
"I can't." Todoroki stuttered out before looking down; Endeavor looked so enraged, his skin practically blistering with the intensity of the flames. Todoroki suddenly felt a rough hand slap his cheek, and it stung with the force.

"You will do as I say, boy, I'm the one that made you how you are today! Do you hear me? Without me you'd be nothing. Get as close as you need to with Midoriya to get it out of him. Understand? School starts in an hour. Get going. And don't fail me like your mother did."

Shoto felt like crying, but he had to retain his composure. He dug his nails into his hands and nodded before walking out. His mother didn't fail him. He failed his mother. He got his stuff ready for school and walked out the door, slamming it behind him. He wanted to be away from his father for a while. He got out the house and walked silently down the road, his red and white hair blowing around profusely. He was trudging along for around 5 minutes before he spotted him walking along with Tenya and Ocacho. There he was, Izuku Midoriya.

--if this is really short i'm sorry, this is like the first proper thing I'm doing like this so let me get to grips, please let me know what I can do to improve, thanks <3--

My Mission (Todoroki x Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ