Chapter 6

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It was a new day, the sun was shining radiantly through the clouds. Midoriya walked up to school, still thinking about the days previous events. He wanted to invite Todoroki over to his house today. His mother was going on a work errand so she wouldn't be home for a few days. He blushed, did he even have the courage to ask? He stepped into school, nervously anticipating to see Todoroki, after what happened yesterday, would he act normal around him?

He got into class, Todoroki wasn't there yet. A relief swept over him, he didn't realise he was sweating he felt so nervous.
"Hey nerd, what's up with you? Scared UA will expel you for doing so terribly at the sports festival?" Bakugou then snarled at him and turned around back to Kirishima, and that's when Todoroki walked in. Midoriya smiled and then went up to him, however nervous.
"H-hey Todoroki-kun."
"Yeah.. "
"S-seeing as i-it's the weekend tomorrow.. " He started playing with his hands again, which is something Todoroki found profoundly cute. "You wanna come over to my house after school?"
"Yeah sure." Todoroki said as if he didn't mind, but his heart started to race at the thought of it.
"O-okay cool.. I-i'll meet you outside then a-after school." After he said this Mr Aizawa walked in as Iida was shouting at everyone to take their seats.

During the lesson, Todoroki kept looking over at Midoriya, who was scribbling notes down as always. He smiled at him, just seeing him so caught up in his own head, it made Todoroki feel happy. He really wasn't expecting Midoriya to ask him over to his house, and whilst his mother wasn't there? The thought of what they could do made him feel all hot, though they'd probably do nothing right? Unless he wanted them to do something.... He noticed he was staring at Izuku, as he looked up and smiled at Todoroki before looking down again. Todoroki looked away rather swiftly. Why even is this happening anyway..? He just wanted to do so much to Izuku. So much *with* Izuku. Did he... maybe.. like him? More than a friend? His father's mission. 'Get as close to Midoriya as you need to.' But that close? Wasn't it all for that anyway. That's why this whole thing started... but maybe if he actually wanted to himself...

His mind wondered off for the rest of the lesson as the bell rang, it's piercing shrieks sounding once again. Everyone filed out of class toward the canteen. Izuku leaving with Iida and Ocacho as normal. Todoroki stayed in the classroom, he needed a quiet place where he could wrap his head around his own feelings. What he wanted, and what his father wanted. After everyone had left he sat there and started to write things down in a notebook he had stored in his bag. Everything he wanted compared to his father and what his thoughts were. Everything he knew about Izuku.... he looked over it. Maybe he really did like Midoriya? Maybe it wasn't just because of this mission.... He sighed and shut it closed, shoving it back in his bag. He did like him. He couldn't be so in denial about his feelings anymore, but now the question was, does Izuku feel the same back?

People started walking into class again, and chatter started to sound throughout the room as more of class 1-A entered. The day continued as normal, and then school ended. Todoroki packed up his things, seeing Midoriya waiting for him.
"You got all your stuff?" He said rather enthusiastically.
"Okay let's go.." He giggled as they walked out of class together, shoulders touching as they were. 

--Yeah, so I read all my old chapters and realized how wordy they were, sorry If that was distracting...I tried to change it in this one... Even if it didn't really make a difference <3--

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