Chapter 9

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Daylight burst through the windows, embracing the room as it washed with colour. Midoriya's eyes fluttered open, the first thing him seeing was an All Might poster on his wall, his thoughts collected together, like missing pieces of a puzzle, and then he remembered. Yesterday... He looked over to his side to see a sleeping Todoroki, arms curled around him as if he were a cat. He immediantly flushed red, did they actually....? Despite this, he didn't want to move, seeing Todoroki asleep next to him, so quiet and peaceful, how could he disturb that? It made him smile warmly.

After a few minutes he felt movement from Todoroki, a movement other than the rhythmic moving of his chest as he was breathing. Todoroki's eyes rolled open as he saw Midoriya looking at him. Thoughts flew back into his mind from the previous night. He blushed heavily, their blushes visible on both Izuku and Todoroki. He sat up, removing himself from being around Midoriya, though how reluctant. He was still wearing his school shirt from yesterday. Midoriya was wearing a red shirt with the words 'plus ultra' plastered on it. It was quite oversized on him, but of course he knew how small he really was, so it was understandable. He didn't really want to move from where he was, arms clinging around Izuku, layed next to each other, but he had to go home. That's when it hit him, he didn't have any other clothes.
"Todoroki-kun..." Midoriya looked and giggled. "You don't have any other clothes do you?"
"N-no.." He looked around sheepishly, Midoriya's room was quite big although it didn't seem it at first. The neatly carpeted floor devoid of any mess apart from 2 pairs of trousers and belts. He grabbed his trousers,
"I-i'll just wear this.. " He muttered, trying not to cause Midoriya any hassle.
"N-no wait.. " Midoriya paused and then got out of his bed, bare feet hitting the floor with a light thud, he walked over to a dark oak dresser, and rummaged through it. A couple minutes later, he pulled out a shirt,
"T-this should fit you, sorry it's the only thing I have in your size.. " He looked off akwardly to one side, whilst Todoroki just smiled at him.
"N-no it's fine." He grabbed the shirt thoughtfully off of him and slid it over him. Izuku couldn't deny though that Todoroki had abs, and they were very well defined. He definitely worked out. He looked away hastily whilst he heard a chuckle escape from Todoroki's lips.

"T-todoroki kun..." He suddenly turned around to face Todoroki. "J-just what are we... be-because yesterday..." He felt himself burn up once more. Todoroki stared at him, his eyes seemed to be gleaming, mossy and emerald colours colliding together. He blushed too and looks away, putting his hand on the back of his head.
"I guess." He'd never done this before, he didn't know what he was doing. "I-guess we are..." he went up to him, slowly, and lifted up his chin so he was looking at him.

"I guess you're mine now aren't you?" He whispered in that same voice, that same raspy and seductive voice, in his ear, it sent a shiver down his spine, as he blushed madly.
"Wh-what.. " his eyes widened, "I'm sorry i-if you don't wanna. I--" Izuku kissed him again, why did he always have to be the one to make the first move? They both leaned into it, as loving as before.
"I guess I am... " he giggled, which made Todoroki's heart melt, "H-hey d-do you m-maybe wanna d-do something t-today?" Todoroki looked at him, he really did want to, the thought of it made his heart flutter.
"Y-yeah. Hmm wanna go shopping or something..?" Todoroki suggested back, he'd seen this shop before and he wanted to buy something for Midoriya from it, he was pretty certain he'd love it, and looking at his room... All Might littered everywhere. It was a definite. Midoriya's eyes lit up,
"Okay!! There's this really cool shop there that sells all this All Might stuff..." He covered his mouth, he seemed embarrassed, just randomly talking about his fandoms with so much enthusiasm. But Todoroki could relate, as a kid he really loved All Might too and would sit watching him smile after a fight with a villain, telling everyone it'll be okay. He'd always admired that about him. Todoroki smiled gleefully, they're definitely going now, just seeing Midoriya so excited over something made his heart flip twice over, it was really cute.

Todoroki stood up and walked out of his bedroom, Midoriya following shortly after. They're hands interlaced with one another's, it felt so right as both of them beamed, glad to have one another finally. Walking, down the stairs, they then reached the front door, letting the cool air hit their faces, and leading them down a path to a brighter tomorrow.

--whoo so they're finally together!! I hope you're enjoying the story so far by the way <3--

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