Chapter 15

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They reached Todoroki's house, stopping by his gleaming door, the azure sky pounding down and embracing the world. Todoroki hesitated before letting go of Midoriya's hand abruptly. His father... would.. not like that.
"H-hey you okay Sho?" Midoriya asked, why'd he just let go so suddenly? Not going to lie, he was sort of hurt, but he just played it off to still being awkward with his family around it. After all, he hadn't got the chance to tell them yet.
Todoroki nodded yes, though only slightly. "A-are you sure your father isn't home Sho? You can always come back with me it's okay.. " He sounded worried and concerned as he reached out for his sleeve. Todoroki backed away suddenly, leaving Midoriya looking surprised.
"No.. No.. Sorry. I uh.." He began opening the door. "I'll be fine. My dad isn't here for now so it's okay." He let out a small smile. Midoriya hugged him once last time, stroking his back, eventually feeling him hug him back although.. not as tight or as loving as usual. He let go and smiled at him, also stroking his cheek slightly.
"Guess that's bye then..." He said in a sad tone, did.. maybe Todoroki not like him anymore? He seemed.... odd after his panic attack. Shoto was still stuttering slightly in his speech, and his eyes still had red rings around them, but he didn't want to bother Midoriya anymore. He nodded. "A-actually wait... Sho.. I wanna tell you something first.." Just a little longer. "I really e-enjoyed hanging out with y-you maybe we should do it more often?" Midoriya blushed. Todoroki smiled, true this time.
"I-i did too." Even though nerves still rattled through him, he lifted his chin up and kissed him, being he opened the door fully and stepped inside.
"Bye Izu."
"Bye!!" He waved before turning and walking off, again hearing the click of a door behind him.

Todoroki turned around to the sound of a booming voice behind him.
"AND WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THIS TIME?!" Todoroki cowered before him and his father dragged him to his office. He once returned to the familiar smell of his father's office. Shivers darted up his spine as he nervously started sit down, this once before his father kicked him across the room. He was acting more violent nowadays, more scared than ever he sat breathless against the wall, head pounding.
"NOW TELL ME!" He slammed his fist down on the table, sending the sound of oak breaking slightly echoing across the room. Todoroki quivered,
"W-w-w-with I-izu..--" He covered his mouth, h-he didn't mean to call him by that name. "With Midoriya." He could feel panic starting to set back in again, with his vision starting to go fuzzy once more. A smirk set suddenly upon the villain Endeavor's face.
"Nicknames already eh? Oh don't tell me!" He laughed maniacally. "You two are--I said close but I didn't know you'd go **THAT** far!" He went over to Shoto and picked him up, "'You've done well." He dropped him back onto the floor. "To think you'd go that far for me." Todoroki could now just feel hurt and anger, it wasn't for his father... was it? It couldn't be.. This whole thing started because of his father but... he loved Midoriya.. h-he did. He did. He did. Did he? It was his fault he was with him, he had been playing this whole time. He-- He started to tear up, but held it in so his father wouldn't hit him again.
"So any information? 'Sho'?" He went wide-eyed. How did he know about any of this? "Heheh." He seemed pleased by his son's confusion. Well? Any info?" Shoto hesitated, he couldn't just tell Midoriya's secret to his father... He was his boyfriend.. They're supposed to protect each other. "Becuase if you don't.. I'll just go over and kill him, you know?"

Todoroki suddenly felt a tear roll down his cheek, the throbbing in his head still raging on after slamming it against the wall. He quickly rubbed it away, feeling the scarred and burnt part of his face underneath his fingers. "I uh--"
"What boy?!" He came up to him, holding out his hand, ready to hit him again.
"His quirk is from All Might!" He said suddenly, then gasped. He-he'd just..

"I didn't even know you could do that."
Todoroki didn't respond, he could just feel the guilt building up inside of him.. He'd just did that... to his own boyfriend.
"You not responding now boy, well no matter. I've got what I need." Laughing again, he pulled up Todoroki and dragged him out the room. Leaving him stranded in the hallway, only feelings of guilt and sadness present in his mind.

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