Chapter 2

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Izuku was laughing carelessly with his friends as Todoroki watched. 'Get as close to Midoriya as you need to.' His father's words rung through his ears like bells. How close did he mean exactly? He shrugged it off for now. He didn't want to think about his father's 'mission'. He walked behind them, being sure not to be caught by Izuku.

The wind was quite strong today. Despite the sun piercing through the clouds and bouncing off the tarmac. Todoroki could feel his footsteps gently sounding after each step. The school's looming presence came ever nearer as Todoroki looked up. He entered through the heavily guarded gates along with his fellow classmates, keeping his on eye on Midoriya as he walked in with Ocacho and Iida.

After around 5 minutes, he got into the classroom and a lot of people were already there, standing around in groups talking about whatever they pleased. Bakugou sat with his feet on the desk and Iida screaming at him,

"I am class rep and I will control this class. This is disrespectful towards school property!!"

"Tsch... " Bakugou replied, his feet remaining on the desk, shadowed by them. The usual rowdy class then. The bell suddenly sounded, it's shrieks bursting through the halls as Mr. Aizawa walked in, looking groggy and in a sleeping bag.

Class went relatively quickly. As Izuku packed his things away thoughtfully after taking down many detailed notes in his hero notebook, which had notes on the quirks of everyone in the class and how they work. He got up and met with Ocacho and Iida once again, heading to the cafeteria. Bounding happily out of class. Todoroki also left, following Kaminari and Kirishima out.

The cafeteria was bustling with noise as hoards of students came to socialize and eat. Many of the tables full with friend groups talking about heroes and fights, general drama and other things. Todoroki kept glancing at Midoriya the entire time. Once or twice, their eyes locked and both parties would look away awkwardly. Midoriya began spacing out 'why's he looking at me all the time?', getting lost in his own head space he completely forgot about his near surroundings and sat there in thought, until it was suddenly broken up by Uraraka.

"Izuku..?" She looked at him, then giggled. "You always do this!" Uraraka felt her cheeks burn up, why'd he have to be so cute? N-no.. She sighed and they got back to their conversation, but as break was over Midoriya stood up.

"T-todoroki.. " He waited for an answer as he turned around again to look at him.


"Why were you.. You know. Looking at me?" He felt his face burn up, though he didn't understand why it was happening.

"I.. I just wanted to see what you were up to... " Todoroki looked over to one side nonchalantly. Midoriya sighed, ah that was all. Well.. he got his answer..though strangely he didn't want to leave as the canteen full of people were slowly filing out for their next lessons, getting less and less crowded. It felt like they were in their own bubble nobody could break.

"O-okay.. S-sorry to bother you." Izuku started to walk off, feeling flustered.

"Wait." Todoroki said, "Wanna hang out after school maybe?" This suddenly stopped Midoriya in his tracks. He blushed quite heavily as he turned around. "Y-yes!" He said rather loudly. Todoroki smirked. For some strange reason he felt like he had to live up to his father's expectations, and make up for how badly he treated his mother, show him he really isn't a failure.

The bell rang out for the end of school, the deafening shout of it filling the halls and echoing off walls as students started getting dismissed. Midoriya felt quite nervous. Going somewhere with Todoroki.. alone. His heart pounded. Why? Why? Why? He shouldn't be feeling like this. He didn't understand. The metallic gates called his name as he saw Todoroki standing with his phone out, waiting for him. He just looked so beautiful in this lighting. If only-- no. He shrugged off his thoughts, this was so abnormal of him and he didn't want to face up to it. It was probably nothing anyway.

Todoroki noticed Deku and smiled warmly, before putting his phone away in his pocket again. "You ready?"

"Y-yes!" Midoriya couldn't help but smile. For some reason, just seeing him lifted his heart a little. 

--again if this is really short, I'm sorry but I hope you are enjoying it so far! <3--

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