Chapter 5

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The sky was slowly turning into a vibrant navy blue, and glowing stars started to be sprinkled across the sky. Todoroki was walking home, feeling the cool breeze on his skin. A thought then darted into his mind. He didn't ask Midoriya *anything* about his quirk. He really didn't want to get home now; his father was going to pulverise him, the feeling made Todoroki shudder, but why did he completely forget about his father's words, even for a second? They'd been playing through his head on repeat since he told him, and sometime in between the cafè and walking Izuku home, he'd just forgotten the world around him, his task, his mission.. Why?

He shook his head slightly, as the events that had just occurred raced through his head, the warmth of Izuku as he held him. His smile, that cute smile. He blushed, what was he thinking? He just sorta wished he was with Midoriya now... As quick as he thought it, it was gone as he reached the front door to his home. Slightly nervous, he opened it.
"Come here Shoto." Endeavour looked quite mad at him. He ushered Todoroki into his office, and ordered him to sit down. Todoroki did so immediately.
"Why are you back so late?!" He seemed tense.
"I was with Midoriya.. " He tried not to think about what happened however, it made him all flustered.
"Oh... Were you?" He then relaxed again, pleased with Todoroki for not defying him. Todoroki smiled up at him, until he began to speak again. "Get any information..?" He was waiting for this bit,
"N-no" He said quietly, a burst of flames appeared from his father sat opposite him suddenly, spirals of crimson and orange beaming around him. "WHAT, YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU SPENT THE ENTIRE DAY WITH MIDORIYA AND YOU DIDN'T GET ANY INFORMATION FROM HIM!!??" Todoroki felt a slap across his cheek again, but harder this time, more fierce. It created a red mark on his cheek and it stung. Suddenly, he felt a kick in his side which made him fall on the neatly carpeted floor. Endeavour was next to him as Todoroki stared into his anger-filled eyes.
"I-i was trying to.. make him l-like me first.." He said with a pained expression. "I d-don't think h-he'd tell me o-otherwise." He said this to make his father happy, he was going to ask him after all, but he enjoyed his time with Midoriya he'd just forgotten. Endeavour stopped for a second and thought about what he just said rationally.
"O-okay. That's fine for now. But next time if you don't.. " He threatened him as he layed in pain on the floor. He walked out the room and left Todoroki stranded. He couldn't cry. Not now. He slowly got up, legs shaking, his side throbbing with the force of the kick.

Todoroki thought about Midoriya in that moment, and for some reason it made him feel a little better. Gave him some new-found strength. Thinking about holding him like that again... He made his way out the door, ready for another chance to see Midoriya again the next day. He could deal with this if it meant seeing him  more often. 

--Heey, it's really short again, sorry, there will be more coming though trust me, I've just been busy lately <3--

My Mission (Todoroki x Deku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora