Chapter 17

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They rushed out of the school, stopping for a second to evaluate where he would be and collecting their thoughts, guilt still welling up inside of Todoroki. This was all his fault. Bakugou looked around hastily for a second, sick with worry. He had always loved Deku.. he could never really explain why, yet he was so mean to him. All those wasted minutes being mean when he could've been trying to get closer to him lingered in his mind, spreading over it like a blanket over a bed, and yet he was here. With his boyfriend, panic-stricken and fumbling with anxiety.
"Where the fuck do you think he'd be?" He snarled, a sense of jealousy hung in the air around him. Todoroki looked at him, mind racing, body pumping with adrenaline.
"My house." He said after a few seconds of silence, which seemed to drag on for eternity. That seemed the most obvious answer.. where else would he be? Where else could his father hide him? He looked at the floor a second, gathering up his thoughts once more, his actions from the previous days replaying. What had led him to this? Why did he have to be so... he shook his head slightly. He couldn't focus on that right now, the main objective was to get his boyfriend back and nobody could stop him. Not even the man who made his life a living hell.
"Done reevaluating your life choices yet? Geez hurry the fuck up do you want him to die half n half?!" With that Todoroki's eyes widened and he began sprinting down the road, leading the way to his house, Bakugou following in hot pursuit.

The boys ran as fast as their legs would carry them, sweat forming in beads on their foreheads. Minds and hearts racing. They reached the front door to Todoroki's house. He reached up for it cautiously, hand shaking slightly when Bakugou barged him out the way and swung it open, it hitting the wall and creating a loud thud and possibly an indent in the wall. He stormed it, practically glowing in anger. His fists shaking. Todoroki followed him in haste, as he banged on all the doors down the hallway, opening them one by one.
"Bakug--" Another thud. "Bakugou!" He turned around, he seemed angry but his face was telling a different story, it was plastered with guilt and shock and worry. He looked at Todoroki dead in the eyes.
"What half n half?" He said quietly, with a slight tremor in his voice.
"Doing this isn't going to help. We need to be calm and rational about this." He spoke quietly so his father.... if he was there... didn't hear, although they probably already caused a lot of disruption and now he was just waiting in there with -- now is not the time. This is were Todoroki's composed and cool demeanor helped.
"What did you say?!" Bakugou began to raise his voice. They would be identifiable if he kept up at this, Todoroki tried to usher him to calm down, but the flame in his red eyes only grew.
"I said you won't help by doing thi--" He felt a hand clamp over his face, covering his mouth.
"Don't say another god damn word, got it? I will find him." With that he let go, still making the most noise possible, the sound heard from everywhere in the house, bouncing from room to room.

They were about half way down when they reached a door, Bakugou tried to rattle it open to no avail, then Todoroki noticed. He was so caught up in his own head, worried, that he hadn't noticed before. This was leading up to his father's office. And now that is where they stood, and the door appeared to be locked. Suddenly, a blast of mass colour, red and yellow sparks flying everywhere, followed by a tremendous bang signaled Bakugou breaking down the door.
"DEKU!?" He called, and that's when they saw him.

--sorry for not updating in a while, it's just been the last week of school before half term and honestly, I haven't had the motivation to do much heh, but thanks for the peeps who are voting on my story it's highly appreciated!!!  LOVE YOU GUYSSS!! <3--

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