The start.

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She had started to fall from the day she met him she could remember that day like it was yesterday. Captain Harris had called him "Big... brass... ego" and he showed confidence when he first walked over to her. "Captain, Bring your daughters to work day?" He said with a smile. The captain introduced them, "Detective's Benson and Rollins, Rafael Barba. I lied told them you knew your way around a court room." She was lay on her bed reading not really paying attention to the story and kept thinking about him. She looked at her clock and it read 23:41, Rafael not been in her life for long but now when she sees him, when she laughs with him she knows she wants him. She snaps out of her dream when her phone rings. "Benson" she says trying to not sound annoyed. "Hi. I am sorry to trouble detective." Her eyes lit up and a smile grew on her face. Rafael had called her. "Do you need me to get changed and come to the prescient or your office." Trying not to sound too happy. "No I need to come over to your place. Olivia." He said in a sad tone. he didn't want to worry her but he didn't have much time to talk he needed to see her. "Barba, are you okay?" she replied worried about him. " Please, Can I come over?" She got up and walked over to her cupboard and said "A glass of Scotch is waiting for you, and my door will be open for you Rafael." She said as she closed the cupboard after checking for the Scotch. "Thank you. I am on my way." He said. "Be careful Rafael." She said and hung up the phone.

She got changed out of her work clothes from that day and washed her face and cleaned her teeth, she had a curry take out earlier and didn't want the smell of Chicken Tikka Masala  on her. She opened her wardrobe got a pair of leggings and a oversized hoodie and a blue short sleeved top out. She got changed and poured a glass of wine and a glass of scotch. She moved all the toys out of the way and placed them into the toy box after Noah had been playing with them earlier that day. Her door opened and in he stepped. The first thing Liv could tell was that he had been crying. The second thing she could tell was all she wanted to do was kiss his pain of whatever had happened away and bring back the happy ADA she knew and had started to fall for.

Olivia Benson and Rafael BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now