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Rafael watched the window in his kitchen for a few moments as he thought about what happened. He received a text from Olivia about 25 minutes later . "I am home now." the text said. he didn't know what to do he rang his mother to ask her advice as she was allowed out of hospital tomorrow and he needed to know what time to pick her up. "Hola Mami . how are you" Rafael said. "Hola. Rafi. I'm okay I'm just tired. Rafi ¿Qué te pasa?" (What's the matter.) Rafael paused when his mother replied he didn't know whether he should answer that or not. "Mami. Me and Lieutenant Benson kissed and now one of the ADA's from Chicago wants to take her on a date." Rafael said he didn't know if he should have said anything. Lucia said softly "Olivia sent me some flowers today with a note. Hope you are feeling okay Mrs Barba. Lieutenant Olivia Benson. With 2 kisses on the end." Rafael didn't know about the flowers. Liv didn't tell him she just sent them.
"That was nice of her." Rafael said. "Rafael if Olivia does go on the date with the Chicago person she will tell you. The fact that you care about her will also say a lot. It is up to her Rafi you just need to let Olivia decide on who she wants."
His mother said. It was hard for Rafael to here this but he knew she was right. He said goodbye to his mother and hung up and went to bed. He kept his phone on vibrate incase anyone messaged him or called him. It was going to be Monday morning after all.

Olivia's place

With Noah at lucy's for the evening and Rafael and her not in the best place Olivia was feeling lonely. She wasn't in the mood to talk to Peter stone and she still hadn't given him an answer about the date. She grabbed a bottle of wine and sat on her sofa and tears flooded her face. She was about to switch the telly on when she heard a knock on her door She went to answer it. "Liv I know it's late but can you let me in?" Peter said. "Peter I'm not in the best of places right now I'm sorry but just go home." He could tell she had been crying. " Please Liv let me in." He begged. "Peter your supposed to be in Chicago." She said as she opened the door to let him in. He walked in "I had some holidays to use up so I came to Manhattan. Olivia what's wrong?" He said. Olivia couldn't answer that if she told stone she had kissed Rafael it could go badly for both of Liv and Rafael. "Peter I'm fine. Do you want a drink?" She asked. "Yeah I'll have a glass of wine thanks Liv." She got another glass and she sat with Peter on the sofa. "Liv if it's about the date I can take it. Your a beautiful woman who probably already has someone who would die to be with her. But I would love and it would be a massive honour if let me take you on a date." He stopped as her mouth opened to speak. Olivia looked away from him looking towards the floor. She didn't know what she wanted. "Peter I don't know. I don't know what I want. I can't answer that question." she said. he replied almost immediately after  "I'm here for 3 weeks Liv. I have a suggestion. Why don't we finish our drinks. I go home and you go to bed and in the morning on your way to work you ring Captain Cragen. I heard you two were close when he was your boss. Maybe you could see if you could go for lunch with him for a couple of hours tomorow have a chat and when you decide." he said. she smiled and replied "Thanks Peter." They drank their drinks and Peter left. Olivia decided she was going to take Peters suggestion. She hopped into bed and said to herself "this can wait till I've slept." She kept the ringer on her phone and went to sleep.

Olivia Benson and Rafael BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now