Courthouse drama.

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Olivia sat at her desk thinking. The day had been slow. She had a feeling. She had zero idea it wasn't going to be an ordinary day. She sat at her desk and did paperwork. 3 hours had past and Olivia was sick of doing paperwork. The same thing for 3 hours. If you were to ask Olivia that day she would told you she was bored by the first hour and by 3 she felt like she never wanted to see paperwork again. Fin had come to check on her a couple of times and she went to make herself another coffe after the second hour.
Her mobile rang. "Benson" she said. "Olivia it's me. You need to get down here now. To the Court house " Chief Dodds said. The phone cut off. Olivia grabbed her phone her gun and her bullet proof vest. She put the vest on and her jacket over the top. She left her office and went to the courthouse. She told Fin and her team where she was going and left

Probably a few less than 10 police cars four ambulances and two firetrucks were what Olivia first seen. She knew something was wrong when chief Dodds called her. She grabbed her gun from her passenger seat and opened her door. "Ma'am I'm sorry you can't park here." A police officer says "Olivia Benson svu." She says. "Sorry ma'am follow me. Chief Dodds is waiting for you." She was taken to a surveillance van near the courthouse. It was just Dodds inside. "What is this Dodds?" Olivia asked. "Olivia take a seat." He said. She took a seat. Dodds handed her a file. She's scanning her eyes down the file. "Who was the prosecutor on this case?" She said. Dodds looked at her.

"Barba." Dodds said.

Her mind went blank. A gunman was taking the courthouse to hostage after the court ruled a not guilty verdict on a man who raped and killed his wife and 22 year old daughter. He had killed the forman for the trial. Now he was on the run and new he was going to be caught and wanted to kill 1 more person.Rafael Barba. Rafael was tasked with getting justice and he didn't. The father was angry and distraught by what had happened to his family.

"Olivia you haven't said anything for 7 minutes." Dodds said. "I....." She tried to say words but nothing would come out. "I need him. Dodds I can't loose him." She said. Tears flooded down her face and Dodds told the armed response time to go into the courtroom.

Olivia Benson and Rafael BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now