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"Armed police put your gun down now." Roared around the courtroom. The man didn't comply. He kept the gun to Rafaels neck. "Sir you need to put the gun down." Another officer said. "What and let him get away with it. Not getting justice for my daughter. No not a chance." The man said. "Mr Jenkings. I'm sorry for what happened with your daughter. I really am. But killing me. What does that do? Please sir think about this." Rafael said. Jenkings looked down at him.

Rafael realised there was no gun on his neck. There was nothing there. He moved forward slowly. "No Mr Barba." Jenkings said. Rafael turned to face Jenkings.


Jenkings was dead. Barba was safe. He walked past the police and one of the officers stopped him. "Mr Barba you will need to stay with us." He said. "Officer I understand but I will be going straight to Chief Dodds and Lieutenant Benson." Rafael said. "Okay sir I get it. Come with me and I will take you." The officer said. He took him to black van and knocked on the door. Dodds opened it and surprisingly to Rafael hugged him. "She's here. Do you wanna see her or wait?" He said quietly. "I want to see her." He said. Dodds smiled. "Olivia someone is at the door for you." He said. Dodds got back in and rafael went around the side so it was just the officer stood there. "Officer what is it." She said. "Ma'am could you step outside of the van?" He said. Olivia nodded. She stepped outside. The officer backed off and Rafael moved around. "Hey Liv." Rafael said. Olivia tried to hide her feelings. Rafael said thank you and the officer left. "Do I get a hug?" He said softly. She wrapped her arms around him. He whispered in her ear. "Hey beautiful" He felt tears falling from her face so he held her just a little tighter. "Don't cry Olivia I'm here." He said. She kept her arms around him but took her head off him. "Oh go home you two. I'll need a statement tomorrow." Dodds said.

They left but didn't go home. they just sat in Olivia's car. "Liv. do you wanna know what happened in there...Before the police came. You don't have to Liv." Rafael said. "No I want to know." she replied. They drove home and sat on the couch with coffee in hand. "He made me write a letter to someone I love. I wrote two. One for you and one for my mother. When I finished my mothers he told me to do another but to someone who wasn't family. I had zero doubt in my mind of who that would be. He burnt my note for my mother. He told me his daughter didn't write him a note why should I get the chance for my mother." Rafael paused. He took several long breaths before speaking again. "I still have yours. It's in my jacket pocket. I didn't know what to do with it. He didn't care about it. About 10 minutes later armed police showed up and the rest you know. Olivia sat quiet for along time. She just sipped her coffee processing all the information he told her. Rafael moved closer to her he placed a hand on her arm. She hastily placed her coffee cup on the table and hugged him. "It's okay Liv. I am safe now." He said. "I... I thought... I thought I was going to.... lose you" she stuttered. tears rolled doing her cheeks and she dug herself into his chest. her left hand gripped tightly on his shirt. "I love you." He whispered into her hair. "I love you too." She said into his chest.

They sat on the sofa for over an hour just holding each other. "Liv. I love holding you but I'm not going to lie I'm hungry." He said. She chuckled and nodded. "takeaway or microwave meal I don't to cook." She said smiling. "Takeaway." he said. Noah was on a school trip for the week and was back tomorrow so Rafael didn't want to waste anytime away from Olivia now. He knew he would probably be back in his apartment, eating microwaved meals from tomorrow.


Olivia Benson and Rafael BarbaWhere stories live. Discover now