A note with a shock.

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After Noah was released from hospital, Olivia dropped Noah of at Lucy's and left to go to work. When she got there Olivia went straight to her office. She sent Rafael a text to say she was at work and it looked like it was going to be a long day. Rafael replied Okay I have court this afternoon but probably can do lunch. I seen someone today I didn't really expect it. She typed back, Tell me later. Fin just passed me a letter. I swear its someone I know the writing.

There was just a simple note.

Olivia took out the note, taking a deep breath before opening it.

Dear Olivia,

I know your going to say that I am wrong but I can't do it anymore. I'm going to say it to you.

I love you.

I know that your going to say that you can't be with me because of work and the fact that I work in Chicago. Or maybe you are with someone else now. If one thing happens please let it be this. 

Please can I be your plus one to Chief Dodd's party?

Peter Stone.

She re read the note 5 times. Getting angrier by the second, She threw the note into the draw and slammed it shut. Saying a few curse words under her breath she glanced at her watch. 11:45am. She needed coffee immediately and even something to eat would be nice now. "Amanda come here." She shouted out of the office. within a matter of moments Amanda was there. "Wanna grab breakfast with me?" She said. "Sure, Are you okay?" the blonde haired detective said. "I'm just tired and hungry. You know what lets take the rest of them." She said. Carisi decided to stay in case they had a case and Olivia, Fin and Amanda headed for the café across the road from the station. "Lieutenant Benson. It's good to see you." A voice said. Benson turned around, she immediately regretted it. "ADA Stone. What a surprise." She replied as she tried not to roll her eyes. "Liv. I'm gonna go and order. Do you want the same as usual?" Fin asked. "Erm, I'll take a sausage sandwich and a latte please." Olivia replied taking off her jacket. At the till Amanda walks over to fin. "Hey could I change my order." Amanda said. "sure. What would you want?" Fin replied. "I don't I just feel like we need to get stone out of here. He keeps trying to flirt with Olivia." Amanda said. "To be honest I don't really like him either but we don't need to do anything. Its up to Liv what happends. I know she is with Barba but its up to her at the end of the day." Fin said. "You don't get it Fin. I know stone he's like a dog with a bone. He wont let go until he get what he wants." Amanda replied. "Your order will come to you shortly." The waitress said. Amanda and Fin thanked her and moved back to the table. "I'm just going to the toilet" Olivia said got up from her seat. "Are you okay Liv?" Amanda replied. Olivia ignored her and just walked to the toilet.

After 5 or 6 minutes the food came to the table and still no Olivia. "Why don't you go see if she's okay." Fin said "I can tell your worried about her." He said. Amanda nodded and got up and headed to the bathroom. She opened the door to find Olivia wiping her face and sorting her makeup out. "Liv." She said softly. "Yeah." Olivia replied. Olivia turned to face Amanda her face red and it was obvious to the young detective that she had been crying. "Remind me to slap Stone in his smug face." Amanda muttered to herself. "Don't slap stone." Olivia said. "What did he do Liv?" Amanda replied. Olivia looked at her. "Told me he loved me." She whispered slowly. "Sorry.... What? Peter stone?" Amanda said. "I told him I didn't love him and he said and I quote. Oh I am well aware that's why Rafael Barba went to go see Jack. I know what your game is Olivia. Make me feel jealous. Well congratulations it worked. I realised I loved you and I will make sure you end it with that smug Spanish and then he called Rafael something I don't even want to know what it means." Olivia said trying not to be worried. "Well I am going to be honest with you he's gone and that sausage sandwich looks incredible." Amanda said smiling. "Okay just let me sort my makeup out." Olivia said. Amanda nodded and as she was walking out the room Olivia put her makeup away and left.

They sat and ate the meal. The sausage sandwich was really nice and Olivia took a deep breath and headed back with her team to the office. Amanda left Fin and walked back towards Liv who was slower than the others lost in her own thoughts. "Are you gonna tell barba?" Amanda said. Olivia stopped and remembered the reaction the reaction when Peter first asked her about being his girlfriend . "Not now no." Olivia said.

Ring ring ring. Olivia's phone rang. "Benson" she said. " Liv it's me. Can we meet?" Barba said. "Where?" She said. "My office bring some work with you." He said. "I have to go." He said. "Okay. I'm on my way." Olivia said. Olivia put her phone down. "Callout?" Amanda said. "No Barba wants to meet. I need to take him everything we have on the case." Olivia said. "I'll go get it for you. Meet me at your car." Amanda said. "Okay Amanda. Thankyou."

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